Xuanjia Huang, Weizheng Liu*, Hao Zhang, Sui Tan. Effect of reinforcement layer on dynamic wetting behavior and accumulative deformation of granite residual soil subgrade, Journal of Building Engineering, 2024, 96: 110459
Pre One:Xuanjia Huang , Weizheng Liu*, Qing Guo, Jiming Tan. Prediction method for the dynamic response of expressway lateritic soil subgrades on the basis of Bayesian optimization CatBoost, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2024, 186:108943
Next One:Weizheng Liu , Mingye Wang , Guijun Luo , Weihua Lu, Hongbo Xiao. Horizontal response of existing pile induced by adjacent shield tunnelling with large longitudinal slope, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology incorporating Trenchless Technology Research, 2024,153:106036