Weizheng Liu , Jiming Tan , Weihua Lv, Cheng Chen, Shuai Qu. Characteristics and predictions of accumulative deformation of structured soft soil under long-term cyclic loading, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2025, 189: 109088
Pre One:Weizheng Liu, Xuanjia Huang, Wenhua Yin, Guiyong Liu. Static and dynamic characteristics of cement-treated and untreated aeolian sand from the Tengger desert hinterland: Laboratory tests and prediction models, Construction and Building Materials, 2025, 458:139733
Next One:Xuanjia Huang , Weizheng Liu*, Qing Guo, Jiming Tan. Prediction method for the dynamic response of expressway lateritic soil subgrades on the basis of Bayesian optimization CatBoost, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2024, 186:108943