职务:Associate Professor
[21]Li, Y., Kasama, K., Chen, G., Fan, Y..Susceptibility Zonation of Earthquake induced Landslide-dams at the Catchment of Tongkou River, China.Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, 73 (2)
[22]Kasama, K., Zen, K., Li, Y., Chen, G., Zheng, L..The slope modeling method for 3D DDA on rockfall analysis with GIS support[J].Geomechanics and Geoengineering, 9 (3) : 142-152.
[23]He, Y., Li, Y., Chen, Han. G., Z..Elementary analysis on the bed-sediment entrainment by debris flow and its application using the TopFlowDF model[J].Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk
[24]Li, Y., Chen, Han. G., Z..Assessing entrainment of bed material in a debris-flow event: a theoretical approach incorporating Monte Carlo method[J].Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 41: 1877-1890.
[25]Li, Y., Chen, Han. G., Z..Exploring the velocity distribution of debris flows: an iteration algorithm based approach for complex cross-sections.Geomorphology, 241: 72-82.
[26]Li, Y., Chen, Han. G., Z..Numerical Simulation of Debris-flow Behavior Incorporating a Dynamic Method for Estimating the Entrainment[J].Engineering Geology, 190 (0) : 52-64.
[27]李艶鴿, 鄭路, 陳光斉.土砂災害対策工の有効性に関する検証[M].斜面災害における予知と対策技術の最前線に関するシンポジウム
[28]Li, Y., Kasama, K., Chen, G., Wang, B..Experimental studies of liquefaction-induced ground deformation with different sand permeability[M]
[29]Li, Y., Zheng, L., Chen, G., Zhang, Y..Numerical analysis of the largest landslide induced by the Wenchuan earthquake, May 12, 2008 using DDA[M]
[30]Wu, J., Zhang, Y., Li, Y., Chen, G..The disaster chain of earthquake induced landslides[M]
[31]Zhang, Y., Li, Y., Kasama, K., Chen, G., Zheng, L..Rockfall Simulation with Consideration of Multi-blocks using 3D DDA and Its Application to Countermeasures[M]
[32]Li, Y., Kasama, K., Chen, G., Zhang, Y..Newmark Sliding Displacement induced by Severe Near-Fault Ground Motion[M]
[33]Zhang, Y., Li, Y., Chen, G..Earthquake induced disaster chains[M]
[34]Li, Y., Kasama, K., Chen, G., Fan, Y..Susceptibility analysis of earthquake induced landslide-dam based on GIS[M]
[35]Xu, L., Zhang, Y., Zheng, L., Li, Y., Chen, Han. G., Z..Numerical Simulation of Volumetric Enlargement for Seismic Debris Flow using Integrated DDA and KANAKO 2D[M]
[36]K..Kasama, Li, Y., Chen, Han. G., Z..An Optimized Method for Run-out Volume Estimation of Seismic Debris Flow[M]
[37]Li, Y., Chen, Han. G., Z..Development of Cellular Automaton Model for Simulating the Propagation Extent of Debris Flow at Alluvial Fan: A Case Study of Yohutagawa, Japan[M]
[38]Li, Y., Chen, Han. G., Z..Numerical Simulation of Post-entrainment Debris Flow at Alluvial Fan Using FLO-2D Model[M]