Journal Publications
- [1]Ling Kai, Luo Bing-hui, Mo Wen-feng, Deng Pan, Chen Jun-wei, Luo Bing-hui, Bai Zhen-hai.Hot deformation behavior and dynamic softening mechanisms of hot-extruded Al-Cu-Mg-Ag-Mn-Zr-Ti alloy[J].Materials Today Communications, 2023, 34: 105300.
- [2]Deng Pan, Luo Bing-hui, Mo Wen-feng, Ouyang Zuo-qiong, Tang Cheng-lu, Luo Bing-hui, Bai Zhen-hai.Mechanical properties and corrosion behaviors of (Sc, Zr) modified Al-Cu-Mg alloy[J].Materials Characterization, 2023, 196: 112619.
- [3]Mo Wen-feng, Luo Bing-hui, Tang Cheng-lu, Deng Pan, Ouyang Zuo-qiong, Luo Bing-hui, Bai Zhen-hai.Effect of trace Zn addition on microstructure and corrosion behavior of AA2024 under different aging treatments[J].Materials Characterization, 2022, 195: 112440.
- [4]Ling Kai, Luo Bing-hui, Chen Jun-wei, Ran Hong-wei, Deng Pan, Tang Cheng-lu, Mo Wen-feng, Ouyang Zuo-qiong, Wu Xue-kun, Luo Bing-hui, Bai Zhen-hai.Effect of V additions on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Al-Cu-Mg-Ag alloy[J].Materials Today Communications, 2022, 33: 104197.
- [5]He Chuan, Luo Bing-hui, Mo Wen-feng, Zheng Ya-ya, Feng S P, Luo Bing-hui.A SECM study of redox activity on Al-Mg-Si alloy in organic/aqueous solution[J].Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021, 888: 161596.
- [6]Tang Cheng-lu, Luo Bing-hui, Luo Bing-hui, Bai Zhen-hai, Mo Wen-feng, Ouyang Zuo-qiong, Wu Xue-kun.Effect of non-isothermal ageing on microstructure and mechanical properties of an Al-Cu-Mg-Ag alloy[J].Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2021, 830: 142315.
- [7]Wang Shuai, Luo Bing-hui, He Chuan, Luo Bing-hui, Bai Zhen-hai, Jiang Gen.The role of trace Ag in controlling the precipitation and stress corrosion properties of aluminium alloy 7N01[J].Vacuum, 2020, 184: 109948.
- [8]张鑫, luobinghui, luobinghui, bozhenhai, 何翠云, 唐承璐.Cu、Mg含量对2A12铝合金化铣粗糙度的影响[J].中国有色金属学报, 2020, 30 (7) : 1502-1511.
- [9]高阳, luobinghui, luobinghui, bozhenhai.功能梯度WC-Co/WC-Fe-Ni双层硬质合金的研究[J].稀有金属材料与工程, 2020, 49 (3) : 842-848.
- [10]Wang Shuai, Luo Bing-hui, Luo Bing-hui, Bai Zhen-hai, Zheng Ya-ya, He Chuan, Jiang Gen.Revealing the aging time on the precipitation process and stress corrosion properties of 7N01 aluminium alloy[J].Vacuum, 2020, 176: 109311.
- [11]谭思治, luobinghui, luobinghui, bozhenhai, 王帅, 姜根.7N01铝合金应力腐蚀行为研究[J].稀有金属, 2019, 45: 1162-1170.
- [12]He Chuan, Luo Bing-hui, Luo Bing-hui, Zheng Ya-ya, Yin Yuan, Bai Zhen-hai, Ren Zhi-wei.Effect of Sn on the mechanical properties and corrosion behavior of Al-Mg-Si alloys[J].Materials Characterization, 2019, 156: 109836.
- [13]Wang Shuai, Luo Bing-hui, Luo Bing-hui, Bai Zhen-hai, He Chuan, Tan Si-zhi, Jiang Gen.Effect of Zn/Mg Ratios on Microstructure and Stress Corrosion Cracking of 7005 Alloy[J].Materials, 2019, 12: 285.
- [14]Yin Yuan, Luo Bing-hui, Luo Bing-hui, Jing Hui-bo, Bai Zhen-hai, Gao Yang.Influences of Quench Cooling Rate on Microstructure and Corrosion Resistance of Al-Cu-Mg Alloy Based on the End-Quenching Test[J].Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 2018, 49: 2241-2251.
- [15]张稳稳, luobinghui, luobinghui, 高阳, bozhenhai.Fe/Ni 比对 WC-Fe-Ni 硬质合金微观组织及性能的影响[J].中国有色金属学报, 2018, 9 (28) : 1798-1806.
- [16]Chen Wei, Luo Bing-hui, Luo Bing-hui, Gao Yang, Bai Zhen-hai, Jing Hui-bo, Zhao Jing-wei.Precipitation priority in 5083 Al-alloys containing small amounts of Cu or Zn[J].Materials Science & Technology, 2018, 33 (18) : 2180-2187.
- [17]汪娟, luobinghui, luobinghui, bozhenhai, 高阳, 郑亚亚, 任智炜.Mg / Si 对 Al-Mg-Si 铸造合金组织和性能的影响[J].稀有金属, 2017, 7 (42) : 681-690.
- [18]Gao Yang, Luo Bing-hui, Luo Bing-hui, He Ke-jian, Jiang Hui-bo, Bai Zhen-hai, Chen Wei, Zhang Wen-wen.Mechanical properties and microstructure of WC-Fe-Ni-Co cemented carbides prepared by vacuum sintering[J].Vacuum, 2017, 143: 271-282.
- [19]王姣, luobinghui, luobinghui, 郑亚亚, bozhenhai, libin.镁硅比对Al-Mg-Si合金显微组织与性能的影响[J].中国有色金属学报, 2017, 27 (6) : 1091-1101.
- [20]高阳, luobinghui, luobinghui, 景慧博, chenwei, bozhenhai, 张稳稳.WC-Fe-Ni-Co 硬质合金真空烧结工艺研究[J].稀有金属, 2017, 5 (42) : 478-484.

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