q Design and control of soft robot;
q Design and intelligent control of casting robot;
q Image tracking under complex environment;
q 3D reconstruction of image using 2D image
Development of integrated approaches for robust design for both static and dynamic system under various uncertainties with help of the perturbation theory, and control theory, which includes
q Variable sensitivity robust design for unknown process;
q Multi-objective optimization based robust design under model uncertainties;
q Stability-based robust design for dynamic system under model uncertainty;
q Intelligent integration of design and control for complex process
q Development of novel spatiotemporal LS-SVM and spatiotemporal Fuzzy approaches for nonlinear DPSs;
q Development of novel spatiotemporal ELM and adaptive KL-Fuzzy approaches for time-varying DPSs;
q Development of novel intelligent control approaches to gain accurate temperatrure;
q Development of various LS-SVM methods, including the probabilistic LS-SVM for distribution modeling, and robust LS-SVM for uncertain data, and the local LS-SVM modeling with the global regularization for nonlinearly distributed data;
q Development of several ELM methods, including the robust ELM method for uncertain data, and the online RELM with adaptive regulation factor for time-varying nonlinear system, and the online probabilistic ELM for distribution modeling of complex batch forging processes.
q Development of various learning methods for intelligent manufacturing;
q Development of various modeling methods in order to represent the dynamics of forging process under different working conditions. The work involves the physical and data-driven modeling approaches. After that, run rules of the equipment are investigated.
q Development of some control approaches based on the feature of the forging process, which are employed to satisfy the different forging requirements under different working conditions.