Ning Li, Guangcheng Long, Qiang Fu, Xu Wang, Kunlin Ma, Youjun Xie. Effects of freeze and cyclic flexural load on mechanical evolution of filling layer self-compacting concrete [J]. Construction and Building Materials 200 (2019) 198-208.
Pre One:Yiming Peng, Kunlin Ma,Guangcheng Long,Youjun Xie.Influence of Nano-SiO2, Nano-CaCO3 and Nano-Al2O3 on Rheological Properties of Cement–Fly Ash Paste[J]. Materials, 2019, 12 (16), 2598
Next One:Ning Li, Guangcheng Long, Qiang Fu, Hao Song, Cong Ma, Kunlin Ma, Youjun Xie, He Li. Dynamic mechanical characteristics of filling layer self-compacting concrete under impact loading[J]. Archives of civil and mechanical engineering,19 (2019):851-861.