Journal Publications
- [1]Wei Bian, Wanwan Liu, Xuekai Gao, Kunlin Ma*. Improved mix design method for pervious concrete based on slurry layer thickness[J].Magazine of Concrete Research,2022,74:2, 81-90.
- [2]马昆林,黄新宇,胡明文,彭琳娜,张鑫全.砖混再生粗骨料混凝土损伤本构关系[J].建筑材料学报,2022,25(2):131-141
- [3]马昆林,韩晓昆,龙广成,谢友均,曾晓辉.高温低湿下砂浆力学性能及微结构的变化[J].铁道科学与工程学报,2021,18(02): 392-401.
- [4]彭逸明,马昆林 ,于连山 ,谢清泉 ,龙广成 ,谢友均.新拌水泥浆体在不同流变模型下流变参数表征适用性研究[J].铁道科学与工程学报,2021,18(4):934-941
- [5]He, JH (He, Jionghuang); Long, GC (Long, Guangcheng) ; Ma, KL* (Ma, Kunlin) ; Xie, YJ (Xie, Youjun); Cheng, ZQ (Cheng, Zhiqiang). The improvement of the hydration of fly ash - cement system by the synergic action of triethanolamine and C-S-H seeding[J]. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering,2021, 9(7):2804-2815.
- [6]Jionghuang He, Guangcheng Long*, Kunlin Ma*, Youjun Xie, Influence of fly ash or slag on nucleation and growth of early hydration of cement[J]. Thermochemical Acta,2021,178964, ISSN 0040-6031, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tca.2021.178964.
- [7]Wenxu Li, Kunlin Ma*,Guangcheng Long, Ning Li, Lianshan Yu, Qinquan Xie. Influence of workability parameters and filling time on the quality of SCC filling layers[J].Magazine of Concrete Research,2021,73(12): 636–647.
- [8]Wenxu Li, Youjun Xie, Kunlin Ma*, Guangcheng Long, Ning Li, Hong Zhao, The properties and mesco/microstructure characteristics of interfacial zone between precast concrete and self-compacting concrete, Construction and Building Materials[J], 297,2021,123753.
- [9]Yiming Peng, Kunlin Ma*, Guangcheng Long, Youjun Xie, Lianshan Yu, Qingquan Xie. Effect of Packing Density According to CPM on the_ Rheology of Cement–Fly Ash–Slag Paste[J]. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2021, 33(8): 04021209.
- [10]Yiming Peng, Kunlin Ma* , CiseUnluer, WenxuLi, ShuangjieLi, Jinyan Shi, Guangcheng Long. Method for calculating dynamic yield stress of fresh cement pastes using a coaxial cylinder system[J]. Journal of American Ceramic Society,2021;104:5557-5570.
- [11]马昆林,莫文波,莫建红,彭琳娜,申景涛,胡明文,张鑫全,王春娥.砖混再生细骨料再生砂浆性能及工程应用[J].铁道科学与工程学报,2021,18(08):2073-2080.
- [12]Kunlin Ma, Xinyu Huang, Jingtao Shen, Mingwen Hu, Guangcheng Long, Youjun Xie, Xiaohui Zeng, Zhanjun Xu, Weizheng Zhang. The morphological characteristics of brick-concrete recycled coarse aggregate based on the digital image processing technique[J].Journal of Building Engineering,44(2021)103292
- [13]Lameck Lugeiyamu, Ma Kunlin*, Elvis S.K. Mensahn, Ahmad Faraz, Utilization of waste polyethylene terephthalate (PET) as partial replacement of bitumen in stone mastic asphalt, Construction and Building Materials, Volume 309, 2021,125176, ISSN 0950-0618
- [14]马昆林,王中志,龙广成,谢友均,曾晓辉.动荷载-水-冻融共同作用下混凝土宏观裂缝扩展与演变的研究进展[J].材料导报,2021,35(19):19091-19098.
- [15]马昆林,万镇昂,龙广成,谢友均.板式轨道充填层SCC疲劳损伤本构模型 [J].铁道学报,2020,42(11):139-145
- [16]Li, LH.; Long, GC.; Ma, KL*.; Ma, H.; Wang, W.; Zhang, C.; Xie, Y. Preparation of Green Low Strength Mixture for Foundation Reinforcement Treatment by Using Fly Ash and Waste Coal Gangue [J].Materials, 2020,13(3), 664.
- [17]边伟,马昆林,龙广成,刘婉婉,张传芹.碱激发矿渣粉煤灰透水混凝土性能研究[J].铁道科学与工程学报,2020,17(2):349--357.
- [18]K.L. Ma, S.J. Li, G.C. Long, et al. Performance evolution and damage constitutive model of thin layer SCC under the coupling effect of freeze-thaw cycles and load [J]. Journal of materials in civil engineering, 2020,32(6):040020147.
- [19]马昆林,黄新宇,胡明文,彭琳娜,徐剑,张鑫全,莫建红,曾 乐. 砖混再生粗骨料混凝土力学性能及工程应用研究[J].硅酸盐通报,2020,39(8):2600-2607.
- [20]Long GC, Li LH, Li WG, Ma KL. Enhanced mechanical properties and durability of coal gangue reinforced cement-soil mixture for foundation treatments [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 231:468-482.
