马昆林,黄新宇,胡明文,彭琳娜,徐剑,张鑫全,莫建红,曾 乐. 砖混再生粗骨料混凝土力学性能及工程应用研究[J].硅酸盐通报,2020,39(8):2600-2607.
Pre One:K.L. Ma, S.J. Li, G.C. Long, et al. Performance evolution and damage constitutive model of thin layer SCC under the coupling effect of freeze-thaw cycles and load [J]. Journal of materials in civil engineering, 2020,32(6):040020147.
Next One:Long GC, Li LH, Li WG, Ma KL. Enhanced mechanical properties and durability of coal gangue reinforced cement-soil mixture for foundation treatments [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 231:468-482.