Journal Publications
- [1]Xiaoqin Ou, Jilt Sietsma, Maria J. Santofimia.Fundamental study of nonclassical nucleation mechanisms in iron[J].Acta Materialia, 2022, 226: 117655.
- [2]Hao Zhang, Min Song, Xiaozhou Liao, Hongge Yan, Song Ni, Xiaoqin Ou.Atomic-scale study of the {11-21} twinning and {11-22}-{11-21} double twinning mechanisms in pure titanium[J].International Journal of Plasticity, 2023, 160: 103486.
- [3]Hao Zhang, Min Song, Bingqiang Wei, Xiaoqin Ou, Song Ni, Xiaozhou Liao.Enhancing {10-12} twin boundary migration capability in Ti-Al solid solution alloys with increasing Al content[J].Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 2023, 147: 217-223.
- [4]Daifei Wu, Xiaoqin Ou, Meng Chen, Weichen Mao, Min Song.Microstructural Evolution and Tensile Performance of a Commercial Fe–Mn–Al–C High-Manganese Steel[J].Steel Research International, 2023: 2200877.
- [5]Yang Yang, Xiaoqin Ou, Min Song, Hao Zhang.Positioning of interstitial carbon atoms in the deformed Fe-C system[J].Materials Today Communications, 2023, 34: 105377.
- [6]Hao Zhang, Xiaoqin Ou, Min Song, Bingqiang Wei, Song Ni, Hongge Yan.Atomic-scale understanding of the reversible HCP<->FCC phase transition mechanisms at {10-11} twin tip in pure titanium[J].International Journal of Plasticity, 2022, 156: 103357.
- [7]Hao Zhang, Bingqiang Wei, Xiaoqin Ou, Song Ni, Hongge Yan, Min Song.Atomic-level study of {101ˉ1} deformation twinning in pure Ti and Ti-5at.% Al alloy.International Journal of Plasticity, 2022, 153: 103273.
- [8]安克滢, 欧小琴, 宋旼.锆铌合金拉伸变形的分子动力学模拟[J].中国有色金属学报, 2022, 32 (10) : 2989-2998.
- [9]Hao Zhang, Xiaoqin Ou, Kechao Zhou, Min Song, Bingqiang Wei, Song Ni.Dislocation induced FCC twinning at the HCP/FCC interfaces in a deformed Ti-5at.%Al alloy: Experiments and simulations[J].Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 2022, 169: 110835.
- [10]Xinglong An, Keying An, Xiaoqin Ou, Song Ni, Hao Zhang, Min Song.A new phase transformation route for the formation of metastable beta-Zr.Journal of Materials Science, 2021, 56: 2672-2683.
- [11]Yang Yang, Xiaoqin Ou, Hao Zhang, Ji Gu, Min Song.Deformation induced phase transformation and twinning in Fe and Fe-C alloys[J].Materials Science and Technology, 2021, 37 (15) : 1246-1256.
- [12]AN Ke-ying, OU Xiao-qin, AN Xing-long, ZHANG Hao, NI Song, Song Min.Effects of tensile temperatures on phase transformations in zirconium by molecular dynamics simulations[J].Journal of Central South University, 2021, 287: 1932-1945.
- [13]Hao Zhang, Xiaoqin Ou, Xiaoyong Zhang, Hongge Yan, Kechao Zhou, Min Song.Effects of Al on crack propagation in titanium alloys and the governing toughening mechanism.Mechanics of Materials, 2021, 163: 104107.
- [14]Zongyu Xie, Xiaoqin Ou, Yu Dai, Song Ni, Min Song.Effects of selective laser melting build orientations on the microstructure and tensile performance of Ti–6Al–4V alloy.Materials Science and Engineering A, 2020, 776: 139001.
- [15]Hao Zhang, Xiaoqin Ou, Min Song, Bingqiang Wei, Song Ni.Strain direction dependency of deformation mechanisms in an HCP-Ti crystalline by molecular dynamics simulations.Computational Materials Science, 2020, 172: 109328.
- [16]Hao Zhang, Xiaoqin Ou, Min Song, Song Ni.Toughening alpha-Ti by dislocation-induced phase transformation at crack tips.Mechanics of Materials, 2020, 151: 103629.
- [17]Xiaoqin Ou, Maria J. Santofimia, Jilt Sietsma.Coalescence of martensite under uniaxial tension of iron crystallites by atomistic simulations.Materials Science and Technology, 2020, 36: 1191-1199.
- [18]Xiaoqin Ou, Min Song, Deformation mechanisms of mechanically induced phase transformations in iron.Computational Materials Science, 2019, 162: 12-20.
- [19]Lin Guo, Xiaoqin Ou, Min Song, Song Ni, Yong Liu.Effects of carbon on the microstructures and mechanical properties of FeCoCrNiMn high entropy alloys.Materials Science and Engineering A, 2019, 746: 356-362.
- [20]Zongyu Xie, Xiaoqin Ou, Min Song, Song Ni.Phase transition and hardness evolution of a Ti-5Al-5Mo-1Fe-1Cr alloy subjected to isothermal aging.Micron, 2019, 116: 15-21.
Ou Xiaoqin

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