HK2 is a radiation resistant and independent negative prognostic factor for patients with locally advanced cervical squamous cell carcinoma
Release time:2016-04-14
Affiliation of Author(s):Department of Oncology, Xiangya Hospital, Central South University
Journal:Int J Clin Exp Pathol
Place of Publication:US
Key Words:Locally advanced cervical squamous cell carcinoma, radiation resistance, glycolysis, HK2, immunohis
Abstract:This study proves a close relationship between HK2 expression and radio-resistance. Multivariate Cox regression analysis implied that HK2 was an independent prognostic indicator of CSCC.
Co-author:Shen LF., Wu HJ, Dai YY, He YX, Su J, Chen X, Xie XX, Wang FJ, Sun H, Liu MM, Huang XQ
Indexed by:Unit Twenty Basic Research
Document Code:1936-2625(2015)04-4054-10
Document Type:J
Page Number:4054-4063
ISSN No.:1936-2625
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2015-04-01