Release time:2016-04-14
Affiliation of Author(s):Department of Oncology, Xiangya Hospital, Central South University
Journal:J Cent South Univ (Med Sci )
Place of Publication:China
Key Words:lung adenocarcinoma; 2-dimensional gelelectrophoresis; proteomics; Western blot
Abstract:Conclusion :The 23 differential expression proteins in human lung adenocarcinoma are useful for studying the MDR mechanism of lung adenocarcinoma.
Co-author:魏瑞 谢云 杨丁懿 贺礼理 彭芳 申良方
Indexed by:Unit Twenty Basic Research
Document Code:1672-7347(2010)08-0854-07
Document Type:J
Page Number:854-860
ISSN No.:1672- 7347
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2010-01-31