Journal Publications
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Journal Publications
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Distinguished Professor
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
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Journal Publications
Z. R. Shu; P. W. Chan; Q. S. Li*; Y. C. He; Dynamic characterization of wind speed under extreme conditions by recurrence-based techniques: comparative study.Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2021, 34(2): 04020114.
Z. R. Shu*; M. Jesson; Estimation of Weibull parameters for wind energy analysis across the UK.Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 2021, 13(023303), 2021
Characterization of vertical wind velocity variability based on fractal dimension analysis.Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2021
Z. R. Shu; P. W. Chan; Q. S. Li*; Y. C. He; B. W. Yan; Investigation of chaotic features of surface wind speeds using recurrence analysis.Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2021, 210 (104550), 2021
F. B. Chen; Z.Y. Zhan; J.F. Zhou; Z.R. Shu*; Q.S. Li; A fast partition method for wind pressure coefficient of large-span roof based on modified GK clustering.Structures, 2021, 30: 518-530, 2021
H. J. Mao; Z. R. Shu; Y. P. Luo; Q. S. Li; P. W. Chan; Y. C. He*; Revisiting Typhoon York (9915) at landfall.Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2021, 211(104583), 2021
Q.S. Yang; T. Zhou; B.W. Yan*; M. Liu; P.V. Phuc; Z.R. Shu; LES study of topographical effects of simplified 3D hills with different slopes on ABL flows considering terrain exposure conditions.Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2021, 210(104513), 2021
B.W. Yan; P. W. Chan; Q. S. Li; Y. C. He; Z. R. Shu*; Characterizing the fractal dimension of wind speed time series under different terrain conditions.Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2020, 201(104165), 2020
Z. R. Shu; P. W. Chan; Q. S. Li*; Y. C. He; B. W. Yan; Quantitative assessment of offshore wind speed variability using fractal analysis.Wind and Structures, 2020, 31(4): 363-371, 2020
Z. R. Shu; P. W. Chan; Q. S. Li*; Y. C. He; B. W. Yan; Characterization of daily rainfall variability in Hong Kong: a nonlinear dynamic perspective.International Journal of Climatology, 2020, 41(S1): E2913- E2926, 2020
Z. R. Shu; Q. S. Li*; Y. C. He; P. W. Chan; Investigation of marine wind veer characteristics using wind Lidar measurements.Atmosphere, 2020, 11(1178), 2020
Z. R. Shu; Q. S. Li; P. W. Chan; Y. C. He*; Seasonal and diurnal variation of marine wind characteristics based on lidar measurements.Meteorological Applications, 2020, 27(3): e1918, 2020
G. Vita*; Z. R. Shu; M. Jesson; A. Quinn; H. Hemida; M. Sterling; C. Baker; On the assessment of pedestrian distress in urban winds.Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2020, 203(10 4200), 2020
J. Y. Fu; Z. R. Shu; Q. S. Li; P. W. Chan; K. K. Hon; Y. C. He*; Field measurements of Tropical Storm Aere (1619) via airborne GPS‐dropsondes over the South China Sea.Meteorological Applications, 2020, 27 (5): e1958, 2020
Q. S. Liang; J. Y. Fu; Z. Li; B. W. Yan; Z. R. Shu; Y. C. He*; Bimodal distribution of wind pressure on windward facades of high-rise buildings induced by interference effects.Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2020, 200(104156), 2020
Y. C. He; Z. R. Shu; Q. S. Li*; P. W. Chan; Standardization of marine surface wind speeds at coastal islands.Ocean Engineering, 2020, 213(107652), 2020
H. B. Lin; J. Y. Fu; Z. R. Shu; Q. S. Li; P. W. Chan; Y. C. He*; Spect ral characteristics of surface atmosphere in range of macroscale to microscale at Hong Kong.Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2020, 208(104446)., 2020
Z. R. Shu; Q. S. Li*; Wind tunnel study of separated and reattaching flows by particle image velocimetry and pressure measurements.Advances in Structural Engineering, 2019, 22(7): 1769-1782, 2019
Y. C. He; J. Y. Fu; Z. R. Shu; P. W. Chan; J. R. Wu; Q. S. Li*; A comparison of micrometeorological methods for marine roughness estimation at a coastal area.Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2019, 195(104010), 2019
Z. R. Shu; Q. S. Li*; Y. C. He; P. W. Chan; Investigation of low- level jet characteristics based on wind profiler observations.Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2018, 174: 369- 381, 2018
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