Journal Publications
[1]J. Li, Z. Liu, B.F. Wang(汪冰峰)*.Microstructure evolution in AISI201 austenitic stainless steel during the first compression cycle of multi-axial compression[J]. US.Materials Science and Engineering A, 2013, 568 (4) : 20-24.
[2]X. Zhu, Z. Liu, J. Li, W. Chen, B.F. Wang(汪冰峰)*.Microstructure and formation of melting zone in the interface of Ti/NiCr explosive cladding bar[J]. us.Materials & Design, 2013, 47 (5) : 74-79.
[3]Huiqun Liu, Zhaolin Liu, Xiaozhou Luo, Jieying Sun, Juan Li, B.F. Wang(汪冰峰)*.Adiabatic Shear Bands in Ti-6Al-4V Alloy with Lamellar Microstructure[J]. us.Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2014, 23 (5) : 1896-1903.
[4]Zhaolin Liu, Bin Wang, Shiteng Zhao, Jieying Sun, B.F. Wang(汪冰峰)*.Microstructural evolution in adiabatic shear band in the ultrafine-grained austenitic stainless steel processed by multi-axial compression[J]. us.Materials Science and Engineering A, 2014, 611: 100-107.
[5]Zhaolin Liu, Xiaoyan Wang, Jieying Sun, Juan Li, B.F. Wang(汪冰峰)*.Shear localization and its related microstructural evolution in the ultrafine grained titanium processed by multi-axial compression[J]. us.Materials Science and Engineering A, 2014, 612: 227-235.
[6]Zezhou Li, Xiaoyan Wang, Zhaolin Liu, B.F. Wang(汪冰峰)*.An EBSD investigation on deformation-induced shear bands in a low nickel austenitic stainless steel under controlled shock-loading conditions[J]. us.Materials Science and Engineering A, 2014, 610: 301-308.
[7]Xiaoyan Wang, Eric Nicholas Hahn, Jieying Sun, B.F. Wang(汪冰峰)*.Shear Localization and its Related Microstructure Mechanism in a Fine- Grain-Sized Near-Beta Ti Alloy[J]. us.Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2015, 24 (1) : 477-483.
[8]Fangyu Xie, Shiteng Zhao, Bin Wang, Xiaozhou Luo, B.F. Wang(汪冰峰)*.Microstructure and Its Formation Mechanism in the Interface of Ti/NiCr Explosive Cladding Bar[J]. us.Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2015: 1-9.
[9]Xiaozhou Luo, Bin Wang, Fangyu Xie, B.F. Wang(汪冰峰).Microstructure and Properties of the Ti / Al2O3 / NiCr Composites Fabricated by Explosive Compaction / Cladding[J]. us.Materials Science and Engineering C, 2015 (50) : 324-331.
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