Journal Publications
- [21]Ao Jiao , Yongjiang Shen , Zhengyang Wang , Tao Chen , Haowen Tao , Zhisheng Xu , Chuangang Fan , Experimental study on the effect of canyon cross wind yaw angle on airflow and flame characteristics in a tunnel, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 213 (2021) 104616.
- [22]Yulun Zhang , Changkun Chen , Peng Lei , Zhengyang Wang , Weibing Jiao , Experimental investigation on ceiling flame extension subject to relative large area of liquid fuel in a channel-like structure with confined portals, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 112 (2021) 103899.
- [23]Rongwei Bu , Yang Zhou , Chuangang Fan , Zhengyang Wang , Understanding the effects of inclination angle and fuel bed width on concurrent flame spread over discrete fuel arrays, Fuel, 289 (2021) 119924.
- [24]Yaozhuang Li , Yuwei Feng , Zhisheng Xu , Long Yan , Xiaojiang Xie , Zhengyang Wang , Synergistic effect of clam shell bio-filler on the fire-resistance and char formation of intumescent fire-retardant coatings, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 9 (2020) 14718-14728.
- [25]Changkun Chen , Yanling Nie , Yulun Zhang , Peng Lei , Chuangang Fan , Zhengyang Wang, Experimental investigation on the influence of ramp slope on fire behaviors in a bifurcated tunnel, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 104 (2020) 103522.
- [26]Dingli Liu , Zhisheng Xu , Zhengyang Wang , Yang Zhou , Chuangang Fan, Estimation of effective coverage rate of fire station services based on real-time travel times, Fire Safety Journal, 103021.
- [27]Dingli Liu , Zhisheng Xu , Zhengyang Wang , Chuangang Fan, Regional evaluation of fire apparatus requirements for petrol stations based on travel times, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 135 (2020) 350-363.
- [28]Z. Wang, P.B. Sunderland, R.L. Axelbaum. Double Blue Zones in Laminar Jet Diffusion Flames, Combustion and flame. 2020 211 253-259..Combustion and flame, 2020, 21: 253-259.
- [29]Z. Wang, P.B. Sunderland, R.L. Axelbaum. Dilution Effects on Laminar Jet Diffusion Flame Lengths. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. 2019 37 1547-1553..Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2019, 37 (5) : 1547-1553.
- [30]W. Gan, C. Chen, Z. Wang, Y. Pei, W. Ping, S. Xiao, J. Dai, Y. Yao, S. He, B. Z., S. Das, B. Yang, P. B. Sunderland, L. Hu*. Fire-Resistant Structural Material Enabled by an Anisotropic Thermally Conductive Hexagonal Boron Nitride Coating, Advanced Functional Materials. 2020 1909196..dvanced Functional Materials
- [31]W. Gan, C. Chen, Z. Wang, J. Song, Y. Kuang, S. He, R. Mi, P. B. Sunderland, L. Hu, Dense, Self-Formed Char Layer Enables Fire-Retardant Wood Structural Material, Advanced Functional Materials. 2019 1807444..Advanced Functional Materials
- [32]Z. Wang, K. K. Fu, Z. Liu, Y. Yao, J. Dai, Y. Wang, B. Liu, L. Hu, Design of High Capacity Dissoluble Electrodes for All Transient Batteries. Advanced Functional Materials 2017 27(11)..Advanced Functional Materials
- [33]Liu, D., Xu, Z., Wang, Z., Zhou, Y., & Fan, C. (2020). Estimation of effective coverage rate of fire station services based on real-time travel times. Fire Safety Journal, 103021..Fire Safety Journal
- [34]K.K. Fu, Y. Wang, C. Yan, Y. Yao, Y. Chen, J. Dai, S. Lacey, Y. Wang, J. Wan, T. Li, Z. Wang, Y. Xu, L.Hu, Graphene Oxide‐Based Electrode Inks for3D‐Printed Lithium‐Ion Batteries. Advanced Materials 2016 28(13) 2587-2594.
- [35]K. K. Fu, Z. Wang, J. Dai, M. Carter, L. Hu, Transient Electronics: Materials and Devices. Chemistry of Materials 2016 28(11), 3527-3539.
- [36]K. K. Fu, Z. Liu, Y. Yao, Z. Wang, B. Zhao, W. Luo, J. Dai, S.D. Lacey, L. Zhou, F. Shen, M. Kim, L. Swafford, L. Sengupta, L. Hu, Transient Rechargeable Batteries Triggered by Cascade Reactions. Nano letters 2015 15(7) 4664-4671.
- [37]Z. Liu, Y. Wang, Z. Wang, Y. Yao, J. Dai, S. Das, L. Hu, Solvo-thermal Microwave-Powered Two-Dimensional Material Exfoliation. Chemical Communications 2016, 52(33): 5757-5760.
- [38]K.K. Fu, Z. Wang, C. Yan, Z. Liu, Y. Yao, J. Dai, E. Hitz, Y. Wang, W. Luo, Y. Chen, M. Kim L. Hu, All‐Component Transient Lithium‐Ion Batteries. Advanced Energy Materials 2016 2(10).

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