Journal Publications
- [1]Liang Yi, Yanzhen Zhuang, Zhengyang Wang*, Yan Ding, Junhui Gong, Chunli Liu. Experimental and numerical investigation on the combustion behavior of densified wood: differences among wood species and impact of char oxidation[J]. Fire Safety Journal, 2024: 104245
- [2]Tianyang Chu, Chuangang Fan, Chunli Liu, Saiya Feng, Zhengyang Wang*, K. M. Liew*. Effect of structural characteristics on charring shrinkage and cracking of densified wood under radiative heatings[J]. Fire Safety Journal, 2024: 104204
- [3]Yang Zhou, Wenxi Qiu, Penghui Zhou, Zhengyang Wang*, Xiaonan Zhang, Xiangyu Mao, Rongwei Bu. Influences of species and density on the horizontal flame spread behavior of densified wood[J].Buildings, 2024, 14(3): 620
- [4]Yuxin Gao, Saiya Feng, Long Yan, Tianyang Chu, ZongCheng Wang, Jianren Xiao, Hong Xie, Jin Zhang, Zhengyang Wang* Flame retardancy of densified wood modified by bio-material based fame retardant[J]. Fire Technology, 2024 : 1-18
- [5]Rongwei Bu, Yang Zhou, Zhengyang Wang*, Chuangang Fan. Eruptive flame spread over concave surface[J]. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2024, 40(1-4):105208.
- [6]Liang Yi, Saiya Feng, Zhengyang Wang*, Yan Ding, Tianyang Chu, and Yanzhen Zhuang. A comprehensive model to predict the fire performance of intumescent fire-retardant[J]. Journal of Building Engineering, 2024, 95: 110127.
- [7]Yang Zhou, Penghui Zhou, Rongwei Bu, Xiaonan Zhang, Tianyang Chu, Zhengyang Wang*,Horizontal flame spread behavior of densified wood: Effect of structural characteristics,Fuel, 362 (2024) 130687.
- [8]Liang Yi , Yanzhen Zhuang , Yan Ding , Junhui Gong , Tianyang Chu , Zhengyang Wang* ,Influence of component fractions and structure characteristic on the combustion behavior of densified wood , Fire Safety Journal, 144 (2024) 104086.
- [9]Xiuzhen Wang, Feng Zhu, Shuangfeng Wang, Zhengyang Wang ,Confinement Effects on Coaxial Jet Diffusion Flame, Combustion Science and Technology (2023).
- [10]Tong Xu, Changkun Chen, Wuhao Du, Fei Gao, Zhengyang Wang , Tao Yi ,Experimental study on fire spread behavior of single 110 kV cable under different layout conditions , Fire Safety Journal 141 (2023) 103957.
- [11]Zhisheng Xu, Wenjun Zhao, Long Yan, Xinyu Tang, Yuwei Feng, Zhengyang Wang , Processing of Pinus sylvestris L. into a heat-insulating,thermally stable, and flame-retarded material by combining the flame-retardant impregnation and densification treatment, Holzforschung, (2023).
- [12]Chuangang Fan, Dia Luan , Zhengyang Wang* ,Flame Interaction Characteristics of Two Adjacent Liquid Pool Fires Under the Influence of Cross Wind ,Fire Technology 59 (2023) 3375-3390.
- [13]范传刚,李玉豪,王峥阳*,申健,李军,庄彦贞 ,基于图像识别技术的工业建筑火灾风险远程评估方法及应用研究, 土木工程学报, 2024,57(02):87-95.
- [14]Yuhao Li, Chuangang Fan, Yuxin Gao, Long Yan, Ao Jiao, Saiya Feng , Zhengyang Wang* ,Influence of Wind Speeds and Heating Exposures on the Thermal Insulation of Intumescent Fire-Retardant Coatings ,Fire Technology 59 (2023) 767-792.
- [15]Rongwei Bu, Yang Zhou, ZhengYang Wang, Chuangang Fan, Characterizing burning behavior of biomass fuels with discrete distribution, Fuel, 332 (2023) 125692.
- [16]Zhengyang Wang , Yuxin Gao , Yang Zhou , Chuangang Fan , Penghui Zhou , Junhui Gong , Pyrolysis and combustion behaviors of densified wood, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 39 (2022) 4175-4184.
- [17]Chuangang Fan, Yuhao Li, Yuxin Gao, Long Yan, Deju Zhu, Changhong Ou, Zhengyang Wang* , Effect of ambient wind on the flame retardancy of intumescent coatings, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 147 (2022) 14329-14341.
- [18]Chuangang Fan, Yuxin Gao, Yuhao Li, Long Yan, Deju Zhu, Shuaicheng Guo, Changhong Ou, Zhengyang Wang*, A flame-retardant densified wood as robust and fire-safe structural material, Wood Science and Technology, 57 (2022) 111-134.
- [19]Chuangang Fan , Yuxin Gao , Yuhao Li , Long Yan , Yanzhen Zhuang , Yi Zhang , Zhengyang Wang* , A flame‐retardant and optically transparent wood composite, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 139 (2022).
- [20]Tianyang Chu , Yuxin Gao , Liang Yi , Chuangang Fan , Long Yan , Chao Ding , Changcheng Liu , Que Huang , Zhengyang Wang*, Highly fire-retardant optical wood enabled by transparent fireproof coatings, Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials, 5 (2022) 1821-1829.

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