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Journal Publications
[101]S.W.Xiang, S.H.Xiang, Generic stability on weight factors in multiobjective optization problems.PanAmerican Mathematical Journal, 1997, 7(2): 79-84.
[102]S.W.Xiang, S.H.Xiang, The completion property in metric spaces and Banach contractive mapping principle.J. Math. Res. Exp.(China), 1997, 17(1): 146-148.
[103]S.H.Xiang, S.W.Xiang, Notes on completely positive matrices.Linear Algebra Appl., 1998, 271: 273-282.
[104]S.Xiang, Z.You, Weak block diagonally dominant matrices, weak block H-matrix and their applications.Linear Algebra Appl., 1998, 282: 263-274.
[105]S.H.Xiang, S.W.Xiang, Q.Zhang, Note on weak block diagonally dominant matrices and their applications.J. Engineering Math., 1997, 14(4): 115-118.
[106]S.H.Xiang, S.W.Xiang, Column estimations about the spectral radius of M-1N matrix.J. Xi’an Jiaotong University, 1998, 32(6): 86-89.
[107]S.Xiang, A preconditioning method for strictly dominant symmetric positive definite matrices.J. Xi’an Jiaotong University, 1998, 32(2): 94-97.
[108]S.Xiang, Z.You, (0,1)-Matrices and generalized ultrametric matrices.J. System Science & Mathematical Science (English Series), 1999, 12(2): 154-158.
[109]S.Xiang, Remarks on completely positive matrices and completely positive graphs.Int. J. Math. Game Theory Algebra, 1999, 8(4): 195-206.
[110]S.Xiang, A further analysis on fixed point theorem in probabilistic normed spaces and its applications.Acta Math. Sci., 1999, 19(4): 456-460.
[111]Th.M.Rassias, S.Xiang, Mappings which preserve distances and the Mazur-Ulam Theorem.Publ. Fac. Eletr. Engin. Univ. Belgrade, Ser. Mat., 2000, 11: 1-8.
[112]Th.M.Rassias, S.Xiang, On approximate isometries in Banach spaces.Nonlinear Func. Anal. Appl., 2001, 6(2): 291-300.
[113]S.Xiang, The Aleksandrov problem and Rassias problem for isometric mappings.Nonlinear Func.Anal.Appl., 2001, 6(1): 69-77.
[114]S.Xiang, Z.You, Some inverse M-matrices problems.Acta Math. Appl. Sinica, 2001, 17(1): 14-19.
[115]S.Xiang, Some Remarks on completely positive matrices and completely graphs.J. Chinese University Comp. Math., 2000, 9: 146-152.
[116]S.Xiang, Isometric isomorphisms and completely positive matrices.Journal of. Shi You University, 2000, 24(1): 112-116.
[117]Th.M.Rassias, S.Xiang, On Mazur-Ulam theorem and mappings which preserve distances.Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Its Applications, 2000, 5(2): 61-66.
[118]S.Xiang, Mappings of conservative distances and Mazur-Ulam theorem.J. Math. Anal. Appl., 2001, 254: 262-274.
[119]Shuhuang Xiang, Convergence Rates on Spectral Orthogonal Projection Approximation for Functions of Algebraic and Logarithmatic Regularities.SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 2021, Vol. 59, No. 3 : pp. 1374-1398, 2021, 58 (3) : 1374-1398.
[120]Th.M.Rassias, S.Xiang, On the stability of approximate isometries.Tamsui Oxford Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 2002, 18(1): 45-56.
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