Xiaodong Xia
Education Level:PhD Graduate
Alma Mater:Tongji University
Research Group
Name of Research Group:Team of "Making a Little Progress Every Day"
Description of Research Group:Our motto is "Make a little progress every day." The group is mainly engaged in the research on multi-field coupling mechanics of functional composite materials. The master students guided by our group have won honors such as the National Scholarship and Provincial Outstanding Graduates. Diligent undergraduate and postgraduate students are warmly welcomed to join us. Students who are interested please feel free to contact us via email!
Name of Research Group:大学生创新创业项目团队
Description of Research Group:本团队由夏晓东老师指导,已获得大学生创新创业训练计划项目。欢迎踏实努力的本科生加入继续申请大创项目,请有意愿的同学随时邮件联系!