Language : English

Journal Publications

Multigrid solver for two-dimension magnetotelluric modeling

Affiliation of Author(s):中南大学地球科学与信息物理学院

Journal:Energy Education Science and Technology Part A

Key Words:Magnetotelluric; Forward modeling; Uneven multigrid; Computational structure

Abstract:In magnetotelluric (MT) forward modeling, the numerical algorithm and its computational structure, which are used to solve large liner equations, will impact the efficiency and accuracy of the modeling calculation. The performance of multigrid(MG) solver for frequent domain electromagnetic problem such as MT is investigated. The discretization of the governing equations is obtained by the finite element method (FEM). The MG acts as a preconditioner in the calculation, which can optimize the computational structure with different grid, further more improve the algorithms' smoothing efficiency

Co-author:Yanlong Wang, iabin Yan

Indexed by:Unit Twenty Basic Research


Document Type:J



Page Number:2527-2538

Translation or Not:no