Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Alma Mater:中国地质大学(北京) & North Dakota State University
Journal Publications
Incorporating the Filling–Spilling Feature of Depressions into Hydrologic Modeling.Water
Integrating depression storages and their spatial distribution in watershed-scale hydrologic modeling.Advances in Water Resources
A new probability-embodied model for simulating variable contributing areas and hydrologic processes dominated by surface depressions.Journal of Hydrology
Improved hydrologic modeling for depression-dominated areas.Journal of Hydrology
Macro-scale grid-based and subbasin-based hydrologic modeling: joint simulation and cross-calibration.Journal of Hydroinformatics
SWAT Modeling of Non-Point Source Pollution in Depression-Dominated Basins under Varying Hydroclimatic Conditions.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health