Kehua Guo, Haifu Guo, Sheng Ren, Jian Zhang**, Xi Li,Towards efficient motion-blurred public security video super-resolution based on back-projection networks,Journal of Network and Computer Applications,Volume 166,2020,102691.(中科院1区,影响因子5.57,通讯作者)
上一条: Kehua Guo, Nan Li, Jian Kang, Jian Zhang**. Towards Efficient Federated Learning-based Scheme in Medical Cyber-Physical Systems for Distributed Data. Software: practise and experience. 2020:1-16. (JCR 2区,影响因子1.786,CCF B类,通讯作者)
下一条: 赵瑛,陆耀,张健**,梁启弟,龙炜.基于深度神经网络的多视角人体动作识别[J/OL].系统仿真学报:1-12[2020-04-06].(EI,通讯作者)