Bin Hu,Kehua Guo,Xiaokang Wang,Jian Zhang**,Di Zhou.RRL-GAT: Graph Attention Network-driven Multi-Label Image Robust Representation Learning. IEEE Internet of Things Journal.2021(JCR1区,通讯作者)
上一条: Shiwen He;Yan Zhang;Jiaheng Wang;Jian Zhang*;Ju Ren;Yaoxue Zhang;Weihua Zhuang;Xuemin Shen.A survey of millimeter-wave communication: Physical-layer technology specifications and enabling transmission technologies.Proceedings of the IEEE.2021.(中科院1区,影响因子:10.961,通讯作者)
下一条: Xiyao Liu, Yayun Zhang, Sibo Du, Jian Zhang**, Ming Jiang and Hui Fang. Discriminative and geometrically robust zero-watermarking scheme for protecting DIBR 3D videos. International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 2021(CCF B类会议,通讯作者)