Journal Publications
[1]X.‐Y. Zhang, X.‐F. Li, Transient response of hygrothermoelastic field in an elastic plate with an edge crack.Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 2020
[2]X.-Y. Zhang, X.-F. Li, Transient response of a functionally graded thermoelastic plate with a crack via fractional heat conduction.Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2019, 104: 102318.
[3]X.-Y. Zhang, X.-F. Li, Z.-T. Chen.Generalized Fractional Heat Conduction in a One-Dimensional Functionally Graded Material Layer.Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 2019
[4]X.-Y. Zhang, X.-F. Li, Z.-T. Chen.Non-Fourier fractional heat conduction in two bonded dissimilar materials with a penny-shaped interface crack.International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2019, 140: 319-328.
[5]X.-Y. Zhang, X.-F. Li, Y.-J. Xie.Transient thermoelastic response in a cracked strip of functionally graded materials via generalized fractional heat conduction.Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2019, 70: 328-349.
[6]X.-Y. Zhang, X.-F. Li, Y. Peng, Y.-J. Xie.Hygrothermoelastic response of a hollow cylinder based on a coupled time-fractional heat and moisture transfer model.Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 2019, 70 (1) : 2.
[7]X.-Y. Zhang, X.-F. Li, Z.-T. Chen.Thermal shock fracture of an elastic half-space with a subsurface penny-shaped crack via fractional thermoelasticity.Acta Mechanica, 2018, 229 (12) : 4875–4893.
[8]X.-Y. Zhang, X.-F. Li, Y. Peng.Time-fractional hygrothermoelastic problem for a sphere subjected to heat and moisture flux.Journal of Heat Transfer, 2018, 140 (12) : 122002.
[9]X.-Y. Zhang, X.-F. Li, Transient thermal stress intensity factors for a circumferential crack in a hollow cylinder based on generalized fractional heat conduction.International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2017, 121: 336–347.
[10]X.-Y. Zhang, X.-F. Li, Transient response of a hygrothermoelastic cylinder based on fractional diffusion wave theory.Journal of Thermal Stresses, 2017, 40 (12) : 1575–1594.
[11]X.-Y. Zhang, X.-F. Li, Thermal shock fracture of a cracked thermoelastic plate based on time–fractional heat conduction.Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2017, 171: 22–34.
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Xueyang Zhang
Postal Address:09ead2a1239d69c977d07a823b290579a50d8faf5fc809fc3f5d22c282f694e8ff34c7aea444457097de08604529b03604c5086323881766fc1fe341db56697737055e7c40cff2810ead7c5a20492a9c330715e1e461622b0863ed146dba3f8fe3c884f8af916ef067d8a6b93b569612c6e2fd214e7388da57023686c3f1d805