Research Projects
[6]National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC):Research of Separating Tin and Iron from unwield Tin iron tailings,张元波,立项时间:2016-01-01
[8]Youth fund project of national natural science fund:Research on preparation new binder for iron ore pellet with inferior coal as main raw material,张元波,开始日期:2009-01-08,结项时间:2011-12-08.
[9]National 11th five year plan of science and technology support corpus:Key technology of the quality improving and consuming reducing for the Pellet ore,张元波,开始日期:2008-01-01,结项时间:2011-12-31.
[10]The national development and reform commission:Energy saved technology for Steel roasting production and its equipment research and its industrialization,张元波,开始日期:2010-03-01,结项时间:2012-03-30.
[11]China Postdoctoral Science Foundation:Basic and key technology for the preparation of the New binder for the iron ore oxidized pellets,张元波,开始日期:2008-01-01,结项时间:2010-12-31.
[12]The basic research universities special fund operations:Researches on techincal conditions for sulfur reduction roasting and Manganese Acid leaching extracting of Low--grade Manganese oxide ores,张元波,开始日期:2014-01-01,结项时间:2015-12-31.
[13]Natural Science Foundation of China:Basic research of the biomass sintering based on flue gas recycle,开始日期:2011-01-28,结项时间:2014-12-31.
[14]Hunan province science and technology major projects corpus :Developing and exemplified a key technology for fire reduction and agglomaration of the Manganese oxide powder,张元波,开始日期:2010-03-01,结项时间:2013-04-30.
[15]The ministry of education doctoral specialties of young teachers fund:Preparation and applying research of Basic Pellet Based on Organic/inorganic complex binder,张元波,开始日期:2009-01-01,结项时间:2011-12-30.
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