Volatilization behavior of SnO2 reduced under different CO-CO2 atmospheres at 975°C-1100°C
Release time:2016-07-05
Affiliation of Author(s):School of Minerals Processing and Bioengineering, Central South University
Journal:International Journal of Mineral Processing
Key Words:Stannic oxide; Stannous oxide; Reduction roasting; Volatilization; Tin; Thermodynamics
Abstract:The main purpose of this study was to ascertain whether SnO was volatilized or not when SnO2 was reduced in diverse CO–CO2 mixed gases at temperatures above 975 °C. The results indicated that tin was inevitably volatilized as gaseous SnO(g) during the reduction process of SnO2 roasted at 975 °C–1100 °C under different CO–CO2 atmospheres. Roasting temperature and CO content in the CO–CO2 mixed gases obviously affected the tin volatilized fraction. The tin volatilized fraction always increased with the roasting temperature increasing, while it first increased sharply to a maximum value and then
Co-author:Tao Jiang, Guanghui Li, Jun Chen, Zijian Su, Bingbing Liu, Yuanbo Zhang*
Indexed by:Unit Twenty Basic Research
Document Type:J
Page Number:33-39
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2015-09-26
Links to published journals:http://ac.els-cdn.com/S0301751615300338/1-s2.0-S0301751615300338-main.pdf?_tid=59792878-4280-11e6-be04-00000aacb360&acdnat=1467703150_3f74958209787310f46a004e5eecc89f
Volatilization behavior of SnO2 reduced under different CO-CO2 atmospheres at 975°C-1100°C.pdf
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