Journal Publications
- [1]Hao Zhou, Shishun Zhang, Yan Yang, Kai Liu, Tian Li Huang, Ya Ou.Analytical study on the behavior of CFRP-concrete bonded joint with a nonrigid end-anchor[J].composite Structures
- [2]Ning-Bo Wang, Hao Zhou, Can Wang, Qing Zuo.A novel extraction method for the actual influence line of bridge structures.Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2023
- [3]Hao Zhou, Dilum Fernando, S.S. Zhang, Tianli Huang.The bond-behaviour of CFRP-to-concrete bonded joints under fatigue loading: A damage accumulation model.Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2023
- [4]Long Chen, Tianli Huang, Hao Zhou, Huapeng Chen.A Bayesian framework for uncertainty quantification ofperturbed gamma process based on simulated likelihood.Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 2023
- [5]Huang Tian-Li, Zhou, Hao, Liu Kai, Ou Ya, Wang Yi, Dai Jian-Guo.Effect of temperature variation on the fracture process of double-lap FRP-to-steel bonded joint: an analytical study.Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2022
- [6]Dong Guo, Jian-Guo Dai, Hao Zhou, Huan-Ping.Effect of temperature variation on the plate-end debonding of FRP-strengthened steel beams: coupled mixed-mode cohesive zone modeling.Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2022
- [7]Zhou, Hao, Gao, Wan-Yang, Biscaia, Hugo C., Wei, Xiao-Jun, Dai, Jian-Guo.Debonding analysis of FRP-to-concrete interfaces between two adjacent cracks in plated beams under temperature variations.Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2022, 263: 108307.
- [8]Miao Chuang, Fernando Dilum, Zhou Hao, Wilson Peter, Heitzmann Michael.Behaviour of hybrid glass fibre-reinforced polymer and timber composite laminates under shear loading: Importance of fibre rotation.Composite Structures, 2022
- [9]陈龙, 黄天立, 周浩.基于比例型Paris公式和逆高斯过程的金属疲劳裂纹扩展随机模型[J].工程力学, 2021
- [10]Hao Zhou, Fernando, Dilum, Thuan Nguyen, Van, Dai Jian-Guo.The bond behaviour of CFRP-to-concrete bonded joints under fatigue cyclic loading: An experimental study[J]. Elsiver.Construction and Building Materials, 2020
- [11]Hao Zhou, Dilum Fernando, Jose Torero, Juan Torres, Cristian Maluk, Richard Emberley.Bond behavior of CFRP-to-steel bonded joints at mild temperatures: an experimental study[J].Journal of Composites for Construction, 2020, 24 (6)
- [12]Yashar Douroudi, Dilum Fernando, Hao Zhou, Van Thuan Nguyen, Elyas Ghafoori.Fatigue Behavior of FRP-to-Steel Bonded Interface: An Experimental Study with A Damage Plasticity Model[J].International Journal of Fatigue, 2020, 139
- [13]Zhou Hao, Fernando Dilum, Torres Juan Pablo, Law Angus, Emberley Richard.The bond behaviour of CFRP-to-steel bonded joints with varying bond properties at elevated temperatures[J].Engineering Structures, 2019 (183) : 1121-1133.
- [14]Zhou Hao, Fernando Dilum, Chen Guang Ming, Kitipornchai S..The quasi-static cyclic behaviour of CFRP-to-concrete bonded joints: An experimental study and a damage plasticity model.Engineering Structures., 2017 (153) : 43-56..
- [15]黄天立, 周浩, 任伟新, 陈华鹏.基于伽马过程的钢桥构件疲劳裂纹检测维护策略优化[J].中国公路学报, 2016, 29 (5) : 50-57.
- [16]Huang T.L, Zhou H, Chen H.P, Ren W.X.Stochastic modelling and optimum inspection and maintenance strategy for fatigue affected steel bridge members[J].Smart Structures and Systems, 2016, 18 (3) : 569-584.
- [17]黄天立, 周浩, 王超, 任伟新, 陈华鹏.基于伽马过程的锈蚀钢筋混凝土桥梁检测维护策略优化[J].中南大学学报(自然科学版), 2015, 46 (5) : 1851-1861.
- [18]周浩, 黄天立, 任伟新, 陈华鹏.基于概率的锈蚀钢筋混凝土桥梁检测维护策略优化[J], 2014, 45 (12) : 4292-4299.
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