The roles of autophagy in vascular smooth muscle cells
Release time:2016-04-25
Affiliation of Author(s):The Second Xiangya Hospital of Central South University
Journal:International journal of cardiology
Place of Publication:Netherlands
Key Words:Autophagy,Vascular smooth muscle cells,Vascular diseases,Cell cycle,Apoptosis
Abstract:Autophagy, which is an evolutionarily conserved mechanism and links to several cellular pathways, impacts
vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) survival and function. Activation of autophagy by intercellular and/or
extracellular stimuli has protective effects on VSMCs against cell death, while on the contrary, overloading
autophagy has been recognized as a deleterious process by excessive self-digestion. Alterations in autophagy
has been documented in VSMC in response to various stimuli, resulting inmodulation of VSMC functions, including
proliferation, migration, matrix secretion, contraction/
Co-author:Xi-Long Zheng, Sheng-Hua Zhou?, Dao-Quan Peng, Xin-Qun Hu, Shi Tai
Indexed by:Other
Page Number:1-6
ISSN No.:0167-5273
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2016-01-15
The roles of autophage in vascular smooth muscle cells.pdf