Alma Mater:中南大学
Education Level:Postgraduate (Postdoctoral)
Remote Sensing期刊客座编辑
Science Bulletin, RSE, ESSD审稿人
周玉杉,男,甘肃白银人,1991年生,工学博士,副教授,中国科学院青藏高原研究所博士后。长期从事多源遥感卫星数据处理、冰冻圈变化及其气候响应等方面的研究,以第一或通讯作者在Remote Sensing of Environment, Journal of Hydrology, Journal of Glaciology, Science China Earth Sciences, IEEE-GRSL等领域顶级或权威期刊发表SCI论文12篇,EI论文1篇,CSCD论文1篇,参与撰写专著1部,申请发明专利3项,获得国内行业会议优秀论文奖2次。相关成果已被联合国气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)第六次专题评估报告和Nature Climate Change, Nature Geoscience, Nature Communications, Science Advances等国际顶级期刊多次引用,总被引500余次,单篇最高引用184次。主持国家自然科学青年基金、国家重点研发子课题、湖南省自然科学青年基金、博士后科学基金面上项目,入选2020年“博新计划”项目和“中国科学院特别研究助理”资助项目;同时主持并完成多项意大利航天局、德国宇航局和欧洲空间局科学数据计划项目;参与中国科学院A类先导和中欧“龙计划”等项目。此外,担任Science Bulletin, RSE, ESSD, SD, JoG, JSTARS等行业顶级或权威期刊的审稿人。
1. 国家重点研发计划(子课题):山地冰川物质平衡和典型多年冻土区形变监测(2021YFB3900105),执行期:2022.01~2025.12.(在研)
2. 湖南省自然科学青年基金:基于地面和卫星观测的藏东南雅隆冰川时序质量变化估计及其驱动机制研究(2024JJ6497),执行期:2024.01~2026.12 (在研)
3. 国家自然科学青年基金:青藏高原冰湖接触型冰川表面物质平衡与前端崩解的遥感时序监测研究(42001381),执行期:2021.01~2023.12.(结题)
4. 博士后创新人才支持计划项目:丝绸之路沿线冰川物质平衡时空演变及冰储量变化预测研究(BX20200343),执行期:2020.07~2023.07.(结题)
5. 中国博士后科学基金面上基金:基于多源遥感观测的天山长时序冰川物质平衡研究(2020M670480),执行期:2020.07~2023.07.(结题)
6. 中国科学院特别研究助理资助项目:中亚典型区域冰川储量变化及其水文效应评估研究,执行期:2020.10~2023.07.(结题)
1. 中欧科技合作“龙计划”第五期项目:Detailed contemporary glacier changes in High Mountain Asia using multi-source satellite data(59344),执行期2020.03~2024.12 (在研,Young Scientist)
2. 国家自然科学基金(面上项目):多平台多时域InSAR估计山岳冰川三维运动及物质平衡变化(41474007),执行期2015.01~2018.12. (结题)
3. 中南大学创新驱动项目:融合星载光学、雷达遥感及地面数据定量揭示青藏高原冻土退化及其对冰川变化的响应(2016CX004),执行期2016.01~2017.12. (结题)
1. Zhou, Y., Li, X., Zheng, D., Li, Z. (2022) Evolution of geodetic mass balance over the largest lake-terminating glacier in the Tibet Plateau with a revised radar penetration depth based on multi-source high-resolution satellite data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 275. (SCI, IF: 13.85, JCR 1区,中科院1区,遥感领域排名第一)
2. Zhou, Y., Li, Z., Li, J., Zhao, R., Ding, X. (2018). Glacier mass balance in the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau and its surroundings from the mid-1970s to 2000 based on Hexagon KH-9 and SRTM DEMs. Remote Sensing of Environment, 210, 96-112. (SCI, IF: 13.85, JCR 1区,中科院1区,遥感领域排名第一)
3. Wang, Y., Zheng, D., Zhou, Y.*, Nian, Y., Ren, S., Ren, W., Zhu, Z., Tang, Z., Li, X.* (2024). Glacier Mass Change and Evolution of Petrov Lake in the Ak-Shyirak Massif, Central Tien Shan, from 1973 to 2023 Using Multisource Satellite Data. Remote Sensing of Environment. (SCI, IF: 13.85, JCR 1区,中科院1区,遥感领域排名第一)
4. Zhou, Y., Hu, J., Li, Z., Li, J., Zhao, R., Ding, X. (2019). Quantifying glacier mass change and its contribution to lake growths in central Kunlun during 2000–2015 from multi-source remote sensing data. Journal of Hydrology, 570, 38-50. (SCI, IF: 6.708, JCR 1区,中科院1区,遥感水文领域TOP期刊)
5. Zhou, Y., Li, X., Zheng, D., Li, Z., An, B., Wang, Y., Jiang, D., Su, J., Cao, B. (2021). The joint driving effects of climate and weather changes caused the Chamoli glacier-rock avalanche in the high altitudes of the India Himalaya. Science China Earth Sciences, 64, 1909-1921. (SCI, IF: 5.492, JCR 1区,中科院2区).
周玉杉, 李新, 郑东海, 李志伟, 安宝晟, 汪赢政, 姜德才, 苏建宾, 曹斌. (2021). 气候变化和异常天气共同导致印度杰莫利冰-岩崩塌.中国科学:地球科学, 51(12):2112-2125.
6. Zhou, Y., Li, Z., Li, J., Zhao, R., Ding, X. (2019). Geodetic glacier mass balance (1975–1999) in the central Pamir using the SRTM DEM and KH-9 imagery. Journal of Glaciology, 65(250), 309-320. (SCI, IF: 4.278, JCR 1区,中科院2区,国际冰川学会会刊)
7. Zhou, Y., Li, Z., Li, J. (2017). Slight glacier mass loss in the Karakoram region during the 1970s to 2000 revealed by KH-9 images and SRTM DEM. Journal of Glaciology, 63(238), 331-342. (SCI, IF: 4.278, JCR 1区, 中科院2区,国际冰川学会会刊)
8. Zhou, Y., Duan, M. (2024). A Batch Postprocessing Method Based on an Adaptive Data Partitioning Strategy for DEM Differencing From Global Data Products, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 21, 1-5. (SCI, IF: 4.8, JCR 1区,中科院2区)
9. Zhou, Y., Li, X., Zheng, D., Zhang, X., Wang, Y., Ren, S., Guo, Y. (2022). Decadal changes in glacier area, surface elevation and mass balance for 2000−2020 in the eastern Tanggula mountain using optical images and TanDEM-X radar data. Remote Sensing, 14(3), 506. (SCI, IF: 5.349, JCR 1区,中科院2区).
10. Wang, H., Zhou, Y.*, Fu, H., Zhu, J., Zhang, S., Li, R., Qu, Z., Yu, Y. (2021). Parameterized modeling and calibration for orbital error in TanDEM-X bistatic SAR interferometry over complex terrain areas. Remote Sensing,13(24), 5124. (SCI, IF: 5.349, JCR 1区,中科院2区)
11. Wang, L., Zhou, Y.*, Sheng, G., Xiong, J., Shi, H.(2022). Forest height inversion based on time–frequency RVoG model using single-baseline L-band sublook-InSAR data. Remote Sensing,13(24), 5124. (SCI, IF: 5.349, JCR 1区,中科院2区)
12. Ren, S., Li, X.; Wang, Y., Zheng, D., Jiang, D., Nian, Y., Zhou, Y. *. Multitemporal glacier mass balance and area changes in the Puruogangri ice field during 1975–2021 based on multisource satellite observations. Remote Sensing, 2022, 14. (SCI, IF: 5.349, JCR 1区,中科院2区)
13. 周玉杉. 基于多源遥感数据的青藏高原及其周边区域冰川物质平衡变化研究. (2019). 地理与地理信息科学, 35(4), 142-142.(CSCD)
14. 周玉杉, 李新, 郑东海, 任姗姗, 汪嬴政, 李志伟.(2024)亚洲高山区冰川厚度变化光学立体和双基SAR卫星监测数据、方法与展望. 测绘学报,53(05):779-800.(EI)
1. Chen, W., Yao, T., Zhang, G., Li, F., Zheng, G., Zhou, Y., Xu, F. (2022). Towards ice-thickness inversion: an evaluation of global digital elevation models (DEMs) in the glacierized Tibetan Plateau. The Cryosphere, 16(1), 197-218. (SCI, IF: 5.771, JCR 1区, 中科院1区,冰冻圈领域TOP期刊)
2. Li, J., Li, Z. W., Wu, L. X., Xu, B., Hu, J., Zhou, Y., Miao, Z. (2018). Deriving a time series of 3D glacier motion to investigate interactions of a large mountain glacial system with its glacial lake: Use of Synthetic Aperture Radar Pixel Offset-Small Baseline Subset technique. Journal of Hydrology, 559, 596-608. (SCI, IF: 5.722, JCR 1区, 中科院1区,遥感水文领域TOP期刊)
3. Jia, S., Guo, X., Wei, S., Wang, K., Zhou, Y., Cao, B, Zhang, T. Random Forest Model for Retrieving Soil Moisture Using Active and Passive Remote Sensing Data on Qinghai–Tibet Plateau. Remote Sensing Letters. (SCI, IF: 5.349, JCR 1区) (Under review).
4. Gu, L., Che, Y., Zhang, M., Chen, L., Zhou, Y., Ma, X. Slight mass loss in glaciers over the Ulugh Muztagh Mountains during the period from 2000 to 2020. Remote Sensing, 15(9), 2338. (SCI, IF: 5.349, JCR 1区)
5. 丁超,冯光财,周玉杉,王会强,杜亚男,陈晨月. (2018).尼泊尔地震触发滑坡识别和雪崩形变分析.武汉大学学报⸱信息科学版,43(6),847-853. (EI)
1. 李新, 安培浚, 晋锐, 潘小多, 车涛, 牛富俊, 吴阿丹, 周玉杉, 曹斌, 赵泽斌, 苏阳. (2021) 面向极地治理战略的应对与措施建议; 李新等, 地球三极:全球变化的前哨. 北京, 科学出版社.
1. 周玉杉. 一种基于自适应数据分割的自动化的大范围DEM差分校正方法(已受理)
2. 周玉杉,李新,郑东海,郭学军. 复杂地形气候区的高精度地表高度变化多源遥感监测方法(已受理)
1. 中南大学优秀博士论文(2020年)
2. 中南大学拔尖校长博士奖学金(2018年)
3. 第二届中国地球科学联合学术年会 优秀论文奖(2015年)
4. 第二届成像雷达对地观测高级学术研讨会 优秀论文奖(2014年)
1. Remote Sensing期刊客座编辑 (影响因子:5.349)
2. 期刊审稿人:
1. Science Bulletin (影响因子:18.9)
2. Remote Sensing of Environment (影响因子:13.5)
3. Earth System Science Data (影响因子:11.4)
4. Journal of Glaciology
5. Scientific Data
6. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing
7. International Journal of Remote Sensing
8. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing
9. Geocarto International
10. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science
11. Geology, Ecology, and Landscapes
12. Journal of Mountain Science
13. Journal of Spatial Science
1. 多源遥感集成理论、方法及应用
2. 冰冻圈参数反演及全球气候响应
3. 高寒山地灾害评估与监测预警
4. 极地与海洋遥感
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