Journal Publications
Research Projects
Honors and Awards
Journal Publications
[41]L.H. Mao, C.M. Liu, Y.C. Wan*, J.S. Wei, Y.H. Gao, S.N. Jiang, Z.Y. Chen.Influence of heat treatment on microstructures and impact toughness of Mg-Al-Zn alloy[J].JOM, 2019, 71 (8) : 2874-2883.
[42]K. Li, Z.Y. Chen*, T. Chen, J.B. Shao, R.K. Wang, C.M. Liu.Hot deformation and dynamic recrystallization behaviors of Mg-Gd-Zn alloy with LPSO phases[J].Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 792: 894-906.
[43]R.K. Wang, H. Zhang, L. Tang, J.B. Shao, Z. Xiao, Z.Y. Chen, C.M. Liu, T.J. Tang*.Adiabatic shear deformation behaviors of cold-rolled copper under different impact loading directions[J].Materials Science and Engineering A, 2019, 754: 330-338.
[44]T. Chen, Z.Y. Chen*, J.B. Shao, R.K. Wang, L.H. Mao, C.M. Liu.The role of long-period stacking ordered phases in the deformation behavior of a strong textured Mg-Zn-Gd-Y-Zr alloy sheet processed by hot extrusion[J].Materials Science and Engineering A, 2019, 750: 31-39.
[45]X.J. Zhou, C.M. Liu, Y.H. Gao*, S.N. Jiang, Z.Y. Chen.Mechanical properties of the Mg-Gd-Y-Zn-Zr alloys with different morphologies of long-period stacking ordered phases[J].Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2018, 27 (11) : 6237-6245.
[46]Y. Yao, C.M. Liu, Y.H. Gao*, S.L. Yu, S.N. Jiang, Z.Y. Chen.Annealing-induced microstructural evolution and mechanical anisotropy improvement of the Mg-Gd-Y-Zr alloy processed by hot ring rolling[J].Materials Characterization, 2018, 144: 641-651.
[47]G. Zeng, C.M. Liu, Y.C. Wan*, Y.H. Gao, S.N. Jiang, Z.Y. Chen.Effects of aging temperature on microstructure, tensile and creep properties of ring rolled AZ80-Ag alloy[J].Materials Science and Engineering A, 2018, 734: 59-66.
[48]J.B. Shao, Z.Y. Chen*, T. Chen, R.K. Wang, Y.L. Liu, C.M. Liu.Texture evolution, deformation mechanism and mechanical properties of the hot rolled Mg-Gd-Y-Zn-Zr alloy containing LPSO phase[J].Materials Science and Engineering A, 2018, 731: 479-486.
[49]T. Chen, Z.Y. Chen*, J.B. Shao, R.K. Wang, L.H. Mao, C.M. Liu.Evolution of LPSO phases in a Mg-Zn-Y-Gd-Zr alloy during semi-continuous casting, homogenization and hot extrusion[J].Materials & Design, 2018, 152: 1-9.
[50]X.J. Zhou, C.M. Liu*, Y.H. Gao, S.N. Jiang, Z.Y. Chen.Improved workability and ductility of the Mg-Gd-Y-Zn-Zr alloy via enhanced kinking and dynamic recrystallization[J].Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2018, 749: 878-886.
[51]Y.C. Wan, C.M. Liu, H.C. Xiao, Y.H. Gao*, S.N. Jiang, Z.Y. Chen.Improving the ductility of Mg-Gd-Y-Zr Alloy through extrusion and a following rolling[J].Advanced Engineering Materials, 2018, 20 (6) : 1701041.
[52]Y.C. Wan, S.Y. Xu, C.M. Liu, Y.H. Gao*, S.N. Jiang, Z.Y. Chen.Enhanced strength and corrosion resistance of Mg-Gd-Y-Zr alloy with ultrafine grains[J].Materials Letters, 2018, 213: 274-277.
[53]Y.C. Wan, Y.H. Gao, S.N. Jiang, C.M. Liu*, Z.Y. Chen.Manufacturing high-performance Mg alloy through hot extrusion[J].Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 2017, 33 (8) : 863-866.
[54]B.Z. Wang, C.M. Liu, Y. H. Gao*, S.N. Jiang, Z.Y. Chen, Z. Luo.Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of Mg-Gd-Y-Ag-Zr alloy fabricated by multidirectional forging and ageing treatment[J].Materials Science and Engineering A, 2017, 702: 22-28.
[55]L.H. Mao, C.M. Liu, Y.H. Gao*, X.Z. Han, S.N. Jiang, Z.Y. Chen.Microstructure and mechanical anisotropy of the hot rolled Mg-8.1Al-0.7Zn-0.15Ag alloy[J].Materials Science and Engineering A, 2017, 701: 7-15.
[56]Z.M. Wang, Z.Y. Chen*, C.K. Zhan, L.J. Kuang, J.B. Shao, R.K. Wang, C.M. Liu.Quasi-static and dynamic forced shear deformation behaviors of Ti-5Mo-5V-8Cr-3Al alloy[J].Materials Science and Engineering A, 2017, 691: 51-59.
[57]X.J. Zhou, C.M. Liu*, Y.H. Gao, S.N. Jiang, X.Z. Han, Z.Y. Chen.Evolution of LPSO Phases and their effect on dynamic recrystallization in a Mg-Gd-Y-Zn-Zr alloy[J].Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2017, 48A (6) : 3060-3072.
[58]L.J. Kuang, Z.Y. Chen*, Y.H. Jiang, Z.M. Wang, R.K. Wang, C.M. Liu.Adiabatic shear behaviors in rolled and annealed pure titanium subjected to dynamic impact loading[J].Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2017, 685: 95-106.
[59]Z. Hu, Z.Y. Chen*, J.Y. Xiong, T. Chen, J.B. Shao, C.M. Liu.Microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg-6.75%Zn-0.57%Zr-0.4%Y-0.18%Gd sheets by unidirectional and cross rolling[J].Materials Science and Engineering A, 2016, 662: 519-527.
[60]J.B. Shao, Z.Y. Chen*, T. Chen, Z. Hu, X.J. Zhou, C.M. Liu.The effect of LPSO on the deformation mechanism of Mg–Gd–Y–Zn–Zr magnesium alloy[J].Journal of Magnesium and Alloys, 2016, 4 (2) : 83-88.
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