Journal Publications
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Journal Publications
[61]S.L. Yu, C.M. Liu*, Y.H. Gao, S.N. Jiang, Z.Y. Chen.A rotation-shear model on the atomic motion during {10-12} twinning in magnesium alloys[J].Materials Letters, 2016, 165: 185-188.
[62]W.B. Sun, C.M Liu*, Y.H. Gao, Z.Y. Chen, X.Z. Han.Research on the precipitation strengthening of particle with a new shape model in magnesium alloys[J].Materials Science and Engineering A, 2015, 642: 309-315.
[63]Y.H. Jiang, Z.Y. Chen*, C.K. Zhan, T. Chen, R.K. Wang, C.M. Liu.Adiabatic shear localization in pure titanium deformed by dynamic loading: Microstructure and microtexture characteristic[J].Materials Science and Engineering A, 2015, 640: 436-442.
[64]H.C. Xiao, S.N. Jiang*, B. Tang, W.H. Hao, Y.H. Gao, Z.Y. Chen, C.M. Liu.Hot deformation and dynamic recrystallization behaviors of Mg-Gd-Y-Zr alloy[J].Materials Science and Engineering A, 2015, 628: 311-318.
[65]Y.C. Wan, S.N. Jiang, C.M. Liu*, B.Z. Wang, Z.Y. Chen.Effect of Nd and Dy on the microstructure and mechanical property of the as extruded Mg-1Zn-0.6Zr alloy[J].Materials Science and Engineering A, 2015, 625: 158-163.
[66]Z.B. Chen, C.M. Liu*, H.C. Xiao, J.K. Wang, Z.Y. Chen, S.N. Jiang, Z.J. Su.Effect of rolling passes on the microstructures and mechanical properties of the Mg-Gd-Y-Zr alloy sheets[J].Materials Science and Engineering A, 2014, 618: 232-237.
[67]Y.C. Wan, H.C. Xiao, S.N. Jiang, B. Tang*, C.M. Liu, Z.Y. Chen, L.W. Lu.Microstructure and mechanical properties of semi-continuous cast Mg-Gd-Y-Zr alloy[J].Materials Science and Engineering A, 2014, 617: 243-248.
[68]T. Chen, Z.Y. Chen*, L. Yi, J.Y. Xiong, C.M. Liu.Effects of texture on anisotropy of mechanical properties in annealed Mg-0.6%Zr-1.0%Cd sheets by unidirectional and cross rolling[J].Materials Science and Engineering A, 2014, 615: 324-330.
[69]J.Y. Xiong, Z.Y. Chen*, L. Yi, S.H. Hu, C.M. Liu.Microstructure and mechanical properties of annealed Mg–0.6wt%Zr sheets by unidirectional and cross rolling[J].Materials Science and Engineering A, 2014, 590: 60-65.
[70]D.W. Ji, C.M. Liu*, Z.Y. Chen, H.H. Wang, B. Wang.Effects of Zn content on microstructures and mechanical properties of as cast Mg-Zn-Y-Zr alloys[J].Materials Science and Technology, 2013, 29 (4) : 480-486.
[71]L.C. Tang, C.M. Liu*, Z.Y. Chen, D.W. Ji, H.C. Xiao.Microstructures and tensile properties of Mg-Gd-Y-Zr alloy during multidirectional forging at 773 K[J].Materials and Design, 2013, 50: 587-596.
[72]L. Tang, Z.Y. Chen*, C.K. Zhan, X.Y. Yang, C.M. Liu.Microstructure and microtexture evolution of shear localization in dynamic deformation with different strains in annealed copper[J].Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2013, 44A (2) : 793-805.
[73]L. Tang, Z.Y. Chen*, C.K. Zhan, X.Y. Yang, C.M. Liu, H.N. Cai.Microstructural evolution in adiabatic shear bands of copper at high strain rates: Electron backscatter diffraction characterization[J].Materials Characterization, 2012, 64: 21-26.
[74]C.W. Tan*, S.N. Xu, L. WANG, Z.Y. Chen, F.C. Wang, H.N Cai, H.L. Ma.Deformation behavior of AZ31 magnesium alloy at different strain rates and temperatures[J].Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2007, 17 (S1) : 347-352.
[75]Z.Y. Chen*, H.N. Cai, S.Y. Li, X.M. Zhang, F.C. Wang, C.W. Tan.Analysis of crystallographic twinning and slip in fcc crystals under plane strain compression[J].Materials Science and Engineering A, 2007, 464 (1–2) : 101-109.
[76]C.W. Tan*, S.N. Xu, L. Wang, Z.Y. Chen, F.C. Wang, H.N. Cai.Effects of temperature on mechanical behavior of AZ31 magnesium alloy[J].Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2007, 17 (1) : 41-45.
[77]S.H. Li*, F.C. Wang, C.W. Tan, Z.Y. Chen, Z. Sun.Pre-deformation effects on shear response and microstructure in pure titanium-TA2[J].Material Science Forum, 2007, 546-549: 1409-1412.
[78]J.G. Tang*, X.M. Zhang, Y.L. Deng, Y.X. Du, Z.Y. Chen.Texture decomposition with particle swarm optimization method[J].Computational Materials Science, 2006, 38 (2) : 395-399.
[79]Z.Y. Chen*, H.N. Cai, X.M. Zhang, F.C. Wang, C.W. Tan.Analysis for twinning and slip in face-centered cubic crystals under axisymmetric co-deformation[J].Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences, 2006, 49 (5) : 521-536.
[80]J.G. Tang*, X.M. Zhang, Z.Y. Chen, Y. L. Deng.Simulation of rolling deformation texture of fcc metals with crystal plasticity finite element model[J].Materials Science and Technology, 2006, 22 (10) : 1171-1176.
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