Zejian Deng, Wen Hu*, Yanding Yang, et al. Lane change decision-making with active interactions in dense highway traffic: A Bayesian game approach[C]// IEEE 23rd International Conference of Intelligent Transportation Systems, Macau, China, 2022: 3290-3297.(Best Presentation Award)
上一条: Pingyi Zhang, Wen Hu*, Bangji Zhang, et al. Adaptive graph and multi-dead attention-based vehicle trajectory prediction[C]// 2023 Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON), 2023.
下一条: Lei Zeng, Wen Hu*, Bangji Zhang, et al. Risk-aware deep reinforcement learning for decision-making and planning of autonomous vehicles[C]// The 6th CAA International Conference on Vehicular Control and Intelligence (CVCI), Nanjing, China, 2022.