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Dr. Leiting Shen is an Associate Professor in School of Metallurgy and Environment, Central South University. He received his bachelor's degree in Metallurgical engineering from Central South University in June 2013, and obtained the doctor degree in Engineering from School of Metallurgy and Environment, Central South University and the doctor degree in Science from School of Chemical Engineering, Aalto University in Finland in June 2019. He is a master supervisor, ACS and TMS member.
He is mainly engaged in the research of hydrometallurgy, clean production of nonferrous metallurgy, recovery and utilization of secondary metallurgical resources, thermodynamics and modeling of aqueous solution, etc. He has established the long-term cooperation with related research teams of Aalto University and Abo Academic University in Finland. He published more than 20 SCI papers in international well-known journals including Journal of Cleaner Production, Minerals Engineering, Hydrometallurgy, JOM, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals, et al. Additionally, he applied around 20 patents, including 8 authorized patents. He is also the reviewer for the Journal of Cleaner Production, Minerals Engineering, JOM, Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy, Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, and have gained the 2018 Elsevier Outstanding Reviewer Contribution Award (for Journal of Cleaner Production).
RG personal homepage: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Leiting_Shen
Educational Background
Work Experience
Research Group
现有专职教学科研人员7人,均获博士学位,其中教授4人,副教授1人,特聘副教授1人,讲师1人。现每年培养博、硕士生~12人,承担本科生、研究生专业课和基础课的教学;承担并完成了国家重点科技攻关项目、“973”项目、国家科技支撑计划、国家自科基金、国际合作项目、湖南省科技重大专项、国内外企业横向科研项目等近100项;在国内外权威/重要刊物上发表学术论文逾200篇,其中被EI、SCI检索~150篇,出版学术著作 4 部;获国家授权发明专利50余项、国家技术发明二等奖1项、国家科技进步一等奖1项、省部级奖7项、中国发明专利金奖1项。已有十余项研究成果成功实现产业化应用,在国内外同行学术界和产业界产生了较好的影响。