当前位置: 王接喜的个人教师主页 >> 团队动态- [61]王接喜、颜果春参加中国有色金属学会青年科技论坛并作报告
- [62]王接喜获国家自然科学基金面上项目资助
- [63]王接喜获国家博士后基金一等资助
- [64]李艳博士论文"A novel layered Ni-rich cathode hierarchical architecture of densely integrating hydroxide nanoflakes onto oxide microspheres with superior lithium storage property"被Mater Chem Front接收发表
- [65]董明霞博士论文“A smart architecture of nickel-cobalt sulfide nanotubes assembled nanoclusters for high-performance pseudocapacitor”被Journal of Alloys and Compounds接收发表
- [66]周玉、谭磊参加2018年中国材料大会
- [67]王接喜受邀参加3rd International Symposium on Renewable Energy Technologies
- [68]课题组承担国家科技支撑计划项目课题顺利通过验收
- [69]席昭博士论文"Improving the desulfurization degree of high-grade nickel matte via a two-step oxidation roasting process"被MMTB接收发表
- [70]潘伟论文"Suppressing the voltage decay and enhancing the electrochemical performance of Li1.2Mn0.54Co0.13Ni0.13O2 by multifunctional Nb2O5 coating”被Energy Technology接收发表
- [71]王接喜参加第三届能量转换与存储材料学术会议并作报告
- [72]周玉博士论文“Fluidized bed reaction towards crystalline embedded amorphous Si anode with much enhanced cycling stability”被Chemical Communications接收发表
- [73]王接喜获湖南省自然科学基金资助
- [74]王接喜获中南大学创新驱动项目资助
- [75]王接喜担任国际期刊Frontiers in Chemistry编辑
- [76]王接喜、刘朝孟与武汉理工麦立强教授合作论文“Li 3 V (MoO 4) 3 as a novel electrode material with good lithium storage properties and improved initial coulombic efficiency”被Nano Energy接收发表
- [77]李艳博士论文"A novel layered Ni-rich cathode hierarchical architecture: densely integrating Ni0.8Co0.1Mn0.1(OH)2 nanoflakes onto Ni0.8Co0.1Mn0.1Ox microsphere"被Science China Materials接收发表
- [78]王接喜参加中国有色金属学会第四届学术会议并做报告
- [79]董明霞论文“Metallurgy inspired formation of homogeneous Al2O3 coating layer to improve the electrochemical properties of LiNi0.8Co0.1Mn0.1O2 cathode material”被ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering接收发表
- [80]孟奎博士论文“A compact process to prepare LiNi 0.8 Co 0.1 Mn 0.1 O 2 cathode material from nickel-copper sulfide ore”被Hydrometallurgy接收发表