当前位置: 王接喜的个人教师主页 >> 团队动态- [1]孙吉平博士论文 "Rational catalyst layer design enables tailored transport channels for efficient CO2 electrochemical reduction to multi-carbon products" 被Energy & Environmental Science接收发表
- [2]祝贺段惠教授、吴弼朝博士获批国家自然科学基金青年项目
- [3]祝贺吴弼朝博士获国家博士后创新人才支持计划B类资助
- [4]戴雨晴博士论文“Customized Li+ Solvation Sheath at PEO-Based Electrolyte/Ultrahigh-Nickel Cathode Interface toward Room-Temperature Solid-State Lithium Batteries”被ACS Nano接收发表
- [5]本科生戴骏豪论文”Ultrafast spray pyrolysis for synthesizing uniform Mg-doped LiNi0.9Co0.05Mn0.05O2“被Chinese Chemical Letters接收发表
- [6]戴雨晴博士论文”Improving the Interfacial Stability of Ultrahigh-Nickel Cathode with PEO-based Electrolyte by Targeted Chemical Reactions“被Chemical Science接收发表
- [7]团队成果荣获2022年湖南省自然科学二等奖
- [8]本科生侯子涵论文“Spray pyrolysis feasibility of tungsten substitution for cobalt in nickel-rich cathode materials”被IJMMM接收发表
- [9]团队成果荣获2022年度"中国有色金属十大进展"
- [10]团队成果荣获2023年度中国有色金属工业科技进步一等奖
- [11]王接喜教授荣获全国有色金属优秀青年科技奖
- [12]团队与中科院物理所禹习谦研究员合作论文“An in-depth understanding of Al doping homogeneity affecting the performance of LiCoO2 at cut-off voltage over 4.6 V”被Chinese Chemical Letters接收发表
- [13]刘松霖博士论文“Simultaneous double membrane electrolysis of sodium sulfate solution and preparation of hydroxide precursor for layered cathode materials”被Journal of Cleaner Procuction接收发表
- [14]鲁明娇论文“Boosting the performance of LiNi0.90Co0.06Mn0.04-based electrode by uniform Li3PO4 coating via atomic layer deposition”被Chinese Chemical Letters接收发表
- [15]团队与自动化学院陈宁教授合作论文“A multi-particle cellular automaton modeling method for grain dynamics evolution of nickel-rich cathode material”被Materials Today Energy接收发表
- [16]谭欣欣博士论文“Chemical and structural evolution during solid-state synthesis of cobalt-free nickel-rich layered oxide cathode”被Materials Today Energy接收发表
- [17]冯世壕博士论文“Synergy of non-lithium cation doping and the lithium concentration affecting lithium ion transport in solid electrolytes”被Journal of Materials Chemistry A 接收发表
- [18]王接喜教授荣获第十五届全国高校冶金院长奖
- [19]王接喜教授获批国家自然科学基金委优秀青年基金项目
- [20]尤编政博士论文“Research Progress of Single‐Crystal Nickel‐Rich Cathode Materials for Lithium Ion Batteries”被Small Methods接收发表