Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Date of Employment:1999-09-01
School/Department:School of Automation
Education Level:PhD Graduate
Business Address:room 110, Electronic Building, Railway Campus of Central South University
Contact Information:+86 13549668182
Degree:Doctoral degree
Alma Mater:Peking University
Discipline:Control Science and Engineering
Xiaohong Nian, male, Ph.D., was born in 1965 and he is also a second-level professor, and Ph.D. supervisor. He has been in engaged in control theory and application related studies, such as coordination control and optimization for complex multibody systems, multi-motor drive system control, UAV flight control, vision-based UAV navigation, Swarm Intelligence Control for UAV, coordination control for distributed power system, etc. He has chaired more than 10 projects at the provincial and ministerial level, including the National Natural Science Foundation projects, the National Science and Technology Support Plan projects, Hunan Natural Science Foundation, Hunan Natural Science Foundation, etc. Besides, he has published more that 100 papers in various high-level journals, such as Automatica, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on Control System Technology, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, IET Power Electronics, IET Control Theory & Applications, Journal of The Franklin Institute, International Journal of Control, Journal of Optimization Theory & Applications, Neurocomputing, International Journal Systems Science, Optimal Control Applications & Methods, ISA Transactions, Cognitive Computation, Acta Automatica Sinica, Control Theory and Applications, Control and Decision, Proceedings of the CSEE, in which more than 100 papers are included in SCI/EI.
Name of Research Group:Institute of Complex Systems and Intelligent Contr
Description of Research Group:Currently, there are two professors, two associate professors, two lecturers in the institute. Additionally, many students are studying in the institute for their Ph.D. degree and Master Degree. There are many research interests, such as UAV flight control, UAV visual navigation, Swarm Intelligence Control for UAV, coordination control and optimization of multi-motor systems, distributed control and optimization of multi-agent systems, distributed optimization and game, and smart grid.