Educational Background
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Dr. Jinyang Fu was graduated from TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany, with a Ph.D. in Engineering. He is now an associate professor in tunneling and undergound space engineering. He is mainly engaged in the research of tunnel-ground-structure interaction, computational method in tunneling and undergound space engineering, computer vision based structural health monitoring and so on. Dr. Fu has been presiding projects from the National Natural Science Foundation, the Hunan Provincial Natural Science Foundation, the China Post-doctoral Foundation and some other projects from enterprise. He has won the first prize of the International Academic Conference Paper Award and the Excellent Paper Award of Guangdong Highway Society. He published more than 20 papers in international journals, such as Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Engineering Structures, Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, International Journal of Geomechnics and 5 national patents were authorized. He teaching courses including "Tunnel Engineering", "Engineering English", "Computer Aided Design for Tunneling" and "Metro Structure and Design" in the undergraduate level. He is currently supervised 6 master student theses and two undergraduate student innovation teams.