Journal Publications
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Journal Publications
[1]Xiang, ML; Yang, JS; Fu, JY*; Wu, J; Liu, ZQ; Experimental investigation on the failure and deformation mechanisms of tunnels in horizontally stratified-interbedded rock masses, Engineering Failure Analysis, 2024, (163), 108601.
[2]Tang, Y; Yang, JS; You, YY; Fu, JY*; Zheng, XC; Zhang, C, Multi-output prediction for TBM operation parameters based on stacking ensemble algorithm, Tunnelling and underground space technology, 2024, (152), 105960.
[5]JinyangFu,NingningZhaoa,YongQu,JunshengYang,ShuyingWang,Effects of twin tunnel undercrossing excavation on the operational high speed railway tunnel with ballastless track,Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology,2022,124(6),104470.
[6]Linyi Li, Junsheng Yang, Jinyang Fu*, Shuying Wang, Cong Zhang, Maolong Xiang, Experimental investigation on the invert stability of operating railway tunnels with different drainage systems using 3D printing technology, Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2022,14(5), 1470-1485.
[7]Yipeng Xie, Junsheng Yang, Cong Zhang, Jinyang Fu*, Structures and Settlement Control of Yujingshan High-Speed Railway Tunnel Crossing Massive Rockfill in a Giant Karst Cave, Transportation Research Record, 2021,2676 (4),589-602.
[8]Luo Yubo, Yang Junsheng , Xie Yipeng , Jinyang Fu*, Cong Zhang. Investigation on evolution mechanism and treatment of invert damage in operating railway tunnels under heavy rainfall[J].Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2024, 83(5),160.
[9]Cong Zhang #, Junsheng Yang, Xuefeng Ou, Jinyang Fu *, Yipeng Xie, Xiong Liang, Clay dosage and water/cement ratio of clay-cement grout for optimal engineering performance, Applied Clay Science, 2018, 163, 312-318.
[10]Cong Zhang #, Junsheng Yang, Jinyang Fu *, Xuefeng Ou, Yipeng Xie, Yong Dai, Jinshan Lei. A new clay-cement composite grouting material for tunnelling in underwater karst area, Journal of Central South University, 26 (7), 1863-1873, 2019.
[11]Cong Zhang, Junsheng Yang, Jinyang Fu*, Xuefeng Ou, Yipeng Xie, and Xiong Liang. Performance Evaluation of Modified Cement-Sodium Silicate Grouting Material for Prereinforcing Loose Deposit Tunnels, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 31(7), 06019003-1-7, 2019.
[13]Jinyang Fu#, Jiawei Xie, Junsheng Yang, Shuying Wang*, Feng Yang, Pu Hao, Cracking Performance of an Operational Tunnel Lining Due to Local Construction Defects, International Journal of Geomechanics, 19(4), 04019019-1-13, 2019.
[15]傅金阳#, 谢佳伟, 房雅楠, 阳军生, EPB 盾构开挖面稳定性的PFC-FLAC 耦合分析, 华中科技大学学报(自然科学版), 47(5),116-121,2019.
[16]Cong Zhang, Junsheng Yang, Jinyang Fu*, Shuying Wang, Jian Yin, Xue Feng Ou, Yipeng Xie. Optimal Formulation Design of Polymer-Modified Cement Based Grouting Material for Loose Deposits. Construction and Building Materials. 2020, 261: 120513.
[17]Cong Zhang, Junsheng Yang, Jinyang Fu*, et al. Recycling of discharged soil from EPB shield tunnels as a sustainable raw material for synchronous grouting. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 268(9): 121947.
[18]Fu Jinyang, 高地温隧道衬砌混凝土早期开裂机理及防控措施.国内公开发行, 2022
[19]Jinyang Fu*, Junshang Yang, Shuying Wang, Zhiwu Yu.Numerical analysis of framed building response to tunnelling induced ground movements.Engineering Structures, 2018, 158 (3) : 43-66.
[20]Jinyang Fu*, Herbert Klapperich, Shuying Wang, Junshang Yang.Analytical prediction of ground movements due to a nonuniform deforming tunnel.International Journal of Geomechanics, 2016, 16 (4) : 04015089-1-14.
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