Journal Publications
Research Projects
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Journal Publications
[1]Liu X.Y., Zhao R.C., Zou B.J., Peng H., Guo F..Localisation and segmentation of optic disc with the fractional-order Darwinian particle swarm optimisation algorithm.IET Image Processing, 2018, 12 (8) : 1303-1312.
[2]Zhao R.C., Liu X.Y., Zou B.J., Guo F.*, Zhao X..Automatic Measurement of Cup-to-Disc Ratio for Retinal Images.Proceedings of PRCV, 2018: 453–465.
[3]Liao C., Fu T.M., Xiao Y.R., He H.D., Guo F..BlindReader: An Assistant System to Support Text Reading for The Visually Impaired People.JIHMSP, 2018, 9 (4) : 938-948.
[4]Ouyang P.B., Zou B.J., Zhao X., Guo F..3D Reconstruction and Registration for Retinal Image Pairs.Proceedings of ICIVC, 2018: 364-368.
[5]Zou B.J., Xiao X.M., Lan G.H., Guo F..Parameter Selection of Image Fog Removal Using Artificial Fish Swarm Algorithm.Proceedings of ICIC, 2018: 25-37.
[6]Zhang F.X., Chen J.X., Zhao X., Guo F..Virtual Game Scenario Generation Using Brain Computer Interface.Proceedings of ICDIP, 2018
[7]Tang J., Liu L.J., Zhou C., Guo F..Single image defogging based on particle swarm optimization.Optoelectronics Letters, 2017, 13 (6) : 452-456.
[8]Guo F., Tjahjadi T., Luo J., Tang J..Robust Arbitrary-View Gait Recognition Based on 3D Partial Similarity Matching.IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2017, 26 (1) : 7-22.
[9]Wang S.N., Zhu C.Z., Zou B.J., Xiang D., Guo F.Retinal blood vessel segmentation using extreme learning machine.JACIII, 2017, 21 (7) : 1280-1290.
[10]Tang J., Liu L.J., Guo F..PSO-Based Single Image Defogging.Proceedings of CCCV, 2017: 394–406.
[11]Wang X.L., Tang J., Guo F..Gesture recognition of traffic police based on static and dynamic descriptor fusion.Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2017, 76 (6) : 8915-8936.
[12]Liang Y.X., Zou B.J., Zhao X., Guo F..Automatic Retinal Image Registration Using Blood Vessel Segmentation and SIFT Feature.INT J PATTERN RECOGN, 2017, 31 (11) : 1-24.
[13]Tang C.G., Zou B.J., Tang J., Peng H., Guo F..Visibility detection approach to road scene foggy images.KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Syst, 2016, 10 (9) : 4419-4441.
[14]Tang J., Peng H., Guo F..Fast Defogging and Restoration Assessment Approach to Road Scene Images.Journal of Information Science and Engineering, 2016, 32 (3) : 677-702.
[15]Zou B.J., Peng H., Tang J., Guo F..Temporal-Spatial Filtering for Enhancement of Low-Light Surveillance Video.JACIII, 2016, 20 (4) : 1-10.
[16]Tang J., Peng H., Guo F..Genetic algorithm-based parameter selection approach to single image defogging.Information Processing Letters, 2016, 116 (10) : 595-602.
[17]Tang J., Peng H., Guo F..Cylindrical and Conical Mirror Anamorphosis for Image Display.IJSIP, 2016, 9 (3) : 383-398.
[18]Zou B.J., Tang J., Guo F..Motion-Based Depth Estimation for 2D to 3D Video Conversion.JACIII, 2016, 20 (1) : 1-13.
[19]Zhu C.J., Guo F..Single Image Haze Removal Based on Priori Image Geometry and Edge-Preserving Filtering.Proceedings of CCPR, 2016
[20]Guo F.*, Cai Z.X..Max-covering scheme for gesture recognition of Chinese traffic police.Pattern Analysis and Applications, 2015, 18 (2) : 403–418.
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