祝贺郑娇琴论文“In situ acid etching boosts mercury accommodation capacities of transition metal sulfides”被Nature Communications(IF:17.694)接收发表!
简介:Transition Metal sulfides (TMS) are effective sorbents for entrapment of highly polluting thiophiles such as elemental mercury (Hg0). However, the application of these sorbents for mercury removal is stymied by their low accommodation capacities. In this work, we overcome these limitations and develop a simple and scalable process to enhance Hg0 accommodation capacities of TMS. We achieve this by introducing structural motifs in TMS by in situ etching. We demonstrate that in situ acid etching produces TMS with defective surface and pore structure. These structural motifs promote Hg0 surface adsorption and diffusion across the entire TMS architecture. The process is highly versatile and the in situ etched transition metal sulfides show over 100-fold enhancement in their Hg0 accommodation capacities.