祝贺那媛媛论文“Granulation of Mn-based perovskite adsorbent for cyclic Hg0 capture from coal combustion flue gas”被Chemical Engineering Journal(IF:16.744)接收发表!
简介:Circulating adsorbents in a fluidized bed integrating elemental mercury (Hg0) adsorption and oxidized mercury decomposition/desorption processes could simultaneously achieve adsorbents recycling and mercury recovery during the flue gas mercury removal. The granulation of adsorbent powder is essential to reduce elutriation the looping system. Herein, powdery La0.8Ce0.2MnO3 perovskite adsorbent was moulded into 0.8-1 mm pellets by an extrusion-spheronization method. Meanwhile, microcrystalline cellulose (MC) was used as pore-creating template to constructing porous pellets. The results show that the La0.8Ce0.2MnO3 pellets with 20% MC added during the pelleting process (LCMO-MC) exhibited 90% Hg0 removal efficiency under a gaseous hourly space velocity (GHSV) of 380,000 h-1. These results demonstrate that the template (i.e., MC) assisted extrusion-spheronization approach is promising to mould adsorbent pellets for Hg0 removal in a fluidized-bed system.