Journal Publications
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Journal Publications
[1]Shengyang Zeng, Shuzeng Zhang, Xiongbing Li, Clayton Malone.Determination of the Absolute Nonlinear Parameters Using a Pulse-Echo Method in a Terminal Impedance-Mismatched System.Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, 2024
[2]Weiwei Chen, Xiongbing Li, Chao Lu, Wenze Shi, Yuxi Zhou, Yuan Liu, Shuzeng Zhang.A novel laser-EMAT ultrasonic longitudinal wave resonance method for wall thickness measurement at high temperatures.Ultrasonics, 2024, 141 (2024)
[3]Juncen Wu, Hongwei Hu, Yongfeng Song, Peijun Ni, Xiongbing Li.Ultrasonic phased array imaging of multi-layered structures using full-matrix migration and normalized cross-correlation matching technique.NDT & E International, 2024, 145 (2024)
[4]Hongyang Hou, Shuzeng Zhang, Guangdong Zhang, Yongfeng Song, Xiongbing Li, Tribikram Kundu.Measurement of frequency-dependent shear wave attenuation coefficients using an oblique incidence pulse-echo ultrasonic method.Measurement, 2024, 228 (2024)
[5]Shan Li, Yongfeng Song, Bo Lan, Ming Huang, Xiongbing Li.Ultrasonic backscattering model for Rayleigh waves in polycrystals with Born and independent scattering approximations.Ultrasonics, 2024, 140 (2024)
[6]Mingzhu Sun, Shuzeng Zhang, Guangdong Zhang, Xiongbing Li, Tribikram Kundu.Detection and evaluation of fatigue cracks using a nonlinear ultrasonic sideband peak count technique with a pulse-echo experimental method.Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2024
[7]Mingzhu Sun, Christopher M. Kube, Xiongbing Li.Interaction of elastic waves in solids with quadratic and cubic nonlinearity.The Journal of the AcousticalSociety of America, 2023, 154 (5) : 3285-3309.
[8]Guangdong Zhang, Xiongbing Li, Tribikram Kundu, Tianji Li.Monitoring Elastoplastic Deformation in Ductile Metallic Materials Using Sideband Peak Count-Index Technique.ASME. ASME J Nondestructive Evaluation, 6 (3)
[9]Hyunjo Jeong, Hyojeong Shin, Shuzeng Zhang, Xiongbing Li.Highly Sensitive Detection of Microstructure Variation Using a Thickness Resonant Transducer and Pulse-Echo Third Harmonic Generation.Materials, 2023
[10]Hyunjo Jeong 1, Hyojeong Shin, Shuzeng Zhang, Xiongbing Li.Measurement and In-Depth Analysis of Higher Harmonic Generation in Aluminum Alloys with Consideration of Source Nonlinearity.Materials, 2023
[11]Lejuan Xie, Shuzeng Zhang, Lei Wang, Canhui Cheng, Xiongbing Li.Modeling ultrasonic wave fields scattered by flaws using a quasi-Monte Carlo method: Theoretical method and experimental verification[J].Ultrasonics, 132
[12]Shan Li, Bo Lan, Xiongbing Li, Yongfeng Song, Ming Huang.Theoretical and numerical modeling of Rayleigh wave scattering by an elastic inclusion[J].The Journal of the AcousticalSociety of America, 2023, 153 (4) : 2336–2350.
[13]Xiongbing Li, Hyunjo Jeong, Shuzeng Zhang, Guangdong Zhang, Zhaojie Dai.Determining the Responsivity of Air-Coupled Piezoelectric Transducers Using a Comparative Method: Theory and Experiments.IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 2021, 68 (10) : 3114:3125.
[14]Guangdong Zhang, Xiongbing Li, Kundu Tapas K, Shuzeng Zhang.Investigation of frequency-dependent attenuation coefficients for multiple solids using a reliable pulse-echo ultrasonic measurement technique.Measurement, 2021, 177: 109270.
[15]Yongxing Cai, YongfengSong, XiongbingLi, Xiling Liu, PeijunNi.Subwavelength ultrasonic imaging using a deep convolutional neural network trained on structural noise.Ultrasonics, 2021, 117
[16]Shuzeng Zhang, Hyunjo Jeong, Xiongbing Li, Yuantian Huang.Modeling of wave fields generated by ultrasonic transducers using a quasi-Monte Carlo method.Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2021, 149 (1) : 7.
[17]Yuantian Huang, Xiongbing Li, Yongfeng Song, Joseph A. Turner.Transverse-to-transverse diffuse ultrasonic double scattering.Ultrasonics, 2021, 111: 106301.
[18]Guangdong Zhang, Tribikram Kundu, Tianji Li, Xiongbing Li.Ordinary state-based peri-ultrasound modeling for monitoring crack propagation in plate structures using sideband peak count-index technique.Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2023: 117962.
[19]Shuzeng Zhang, Chao Lu, Wenze Shi, Xiongbing Li, Lei Wang.Numerical study of ultrasonic Rayleigh wave fields scattered by vertical cracks buried in half-space.Journal of Applied Physics, 2023, 133 (22)
[20]Shengyang Zeng, Xiongbing Li, Bibo Zhong, Jinying Zhu.Thermo-acoustoelastic effect of Rayleigh wave: Theory and experimental verification.Ultrasonics
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