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Journal Publications
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Journal Publications
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Journal Publications
[1]Huamei Qi, Wenhui Yang, Sen Fu, and Lei Deng*. Imputation of incomplete medical data using missing neighborhood perturbation denoising autoencoder. IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine 2024 (IEEE BIBM 2024),(2024.8.16 Accepted, CCF B类会议)
[2]Huamei Qi, Wenqin Zou, Sen Fu, and Lei Deng*. A Self-Attention Synthesizing Model with Privacy-Preserving(ACCT-GAN) for Medical Tabular Data. IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine 2024 (IEEE BIBM 2024), (2024.8.16 Accepted, CCF B类会议)
[3]Huamei Qi, Yuxuan Hu, Ruohao Fan, Lei Deng*. Tab-Cox: An Interpretable Deep Survival Analysis Model for Patients with Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma based on TabNet.IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (J-BHI), (2024.4.30录用,IF=5.223, SCI JCR Q1)
[4]Huamei Qi, Wenhui Yang, Wenqin Zou, and Yuxuan Hu*,A Clinical TriaTermination Prediction Model based onDenoising Autoencoder and DeepSurvival Regression(DAE-DSR),Quantitative Biology.,IF=3.1 SCI JCR Q2)
[5]HUAMEI QI, FANG REN, LEILEI WANG, PING JIANG, SHAOHUA WAN, and XIAOHENG DENG, Multi-Compression Scale DNN Inference Acceleration based on Cloud-Edge-End Collaboration ,ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, 2024(19 January 2024,SCI JCR Q2)
[6]Ping Jiang, Xiaoheng Deng, Shaohua Wan, Huamei Qi, Shichao Zhang. Confidence-Enhanced Mutual Knowledge for Uncertain Segmentation,IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems,2023(SCI,中科院1区,IF=9.551)
[7]Huamei Qi , Xiaomeng Song, Shengzong Liub, Yan Zhang , Kelvin K.L. Wong d. KFPredict: An ensemble learning prediction framework for diabetesbased on fusion of key features. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine,2023,107378(SCI, JCR Q1))
[8]漆华妹, 胡宇轩, 袁正一. 一种基于降噪自动编码器和宽度学习的增量式疾病预测模型[J]. 电子学报. 2023,51(6): 1474-1485.电子学报, 2023
[9]Huamei Qi and Zheng Zhou. Computation Offloading and Trajectory Control for UAV-Assisted Edge Computing Using Deep Reinforcement Learning. Appl. Sci. 2022,24(12),12870 (SCI,IF=2.291,JCR Q2)
[10]Huamei Qi and Li Jie. An Energy-Efficient scheme for industrial wireless sensor network based on hierarchical network structure,2022 IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom) ,2022:1155-1161,Wuhan, China,2022.12.9-11(CCF C类会议)
[11]Ying Jiao, Huamei Qi, Jia Wu, Capsule network assisted electrocardiogram classification model for smart healthcare.Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering, 2022, 42 (1) : 543-555 (SCI,IF=4.314,JCR Q2).
[12]Li Xiaoli; Qi Huamei; Wu Jia; Node social nature detection OSN routing scheme based on IoT system,.IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2022: 1-12 (SCI,IF= 9.515, JCR Q1).
[13]Li Xiaoli; Qi Huamei; Wu Jia. Efficient path-sense transmission based on IoT system in opportunistic social networks.Peer-to-Peer Netw., 2022, 15 (4) : 811-826 (SCI,IF= 3.307, JCR Q2).
[14]Huamei, Q., Linlin, F., Zhengyi, Y., Weiwei, Y., Jia, W.: An energy-efficient MAC protocol based on receiver initiation and multi-priority backoff for wireless sensor networks..IET Communications,2021:1-10, 2021
[15]Qi Hua-Mei, Chen Jia-Qi, Yuan Zheng-Yi and Fan Lin-Lin. A Low Energy Consumption and Low Delay MAC Protocol Based on Receiver Initiation and Capture Effect in 5G IoT. The 21st International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP 2021), 2021
[16]Huamei Qi , Xiaoyan Kui , Ping Zhong and Shiming Xiong. Study on the Application of Learner's Output-oriented Feynman-Five-Energy Method in Computer Teaching..The 16th International Conference on Computer Science & Education (ICCSE 2021). Lancaster, United Kingdom , 2021 :258-261, 2021
[17]Huamei Qi, Chubin Lin. An Energy-Efficient Non-Uniform Clustering Routing Protocol Based on Improved Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks.IET Communication, 2021,15(3):374-383
[18]Huamei Qi, Yiran Wang. An Adaptive Delay-Limited Offloading Scheme Based on Multi-round Auction Model for Mobile Edge Computing.The 17th Annual IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing,2021:310-322, 2021
[19]Qi, Huamei. Kui, Xiaoyan. Chen, Zhigang. Teaching practice and exploration of compiling principles under the background of first-class curriculum construction.The 15th International Conference on Computer Science & Education, 129-132, 2020
[20]Qi Huamei ; Jiang Tao; Jiang Su et..QoS adaptive and energy aware cross-layer opportunistic routing protocol in wireless sensor networks[J].IET Communications, 2019, 13 (8) : 1034-1042.
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