Journal Publications
- [1]Zhong,Yuze, Tang, Zhaohui.Measurement of Froth-Layer Depth With Binocular Camera Based on Intensity Correction and Its Application to Pulp-Grade Monitoring[J]. IEEE.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT, 2024, 73
- [2]Gao, Xiaoliang, Tang, Zhaogui.Dual-Rule-Based Weighted Fuzzy Interpolative Reasoning Module and Temporal Encoder-Decoder Bayesian Network for Reagent Addition Control[J]. IEEE.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON FUZZY SYSTEMS, 2024, 32 (7) : 3891-3902.
- [3]Gao, Xiaoliang, Tang, Zhaohui.Reagent Addition Control for Zinc First Rougher With a Dual FP Tree-Based Feature Setpoint Generator and Knowledge Core-Based Reagent Fine Presetting[J]. IEEE.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATION SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, 2024
- [4]Fan,Ying, Tang, Zhaohui.Extended Shapelet Learning-Based Discriminant Dictionary for Froth Flotation Fault Recognition[J]. IEEE.IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, 2024, 24 (7) : 10853-10864.
- [5]Tian. Can, Tang, Zhaohui.Reagent dosage inference based on graph convolutional memory perception network for zinc roughing flotation[J]. IEEE.CONTROL ENGINEERING PRACTICE, 2024, 146
- [6]Peng, Chen, Tang, Zhaohui.Study on Prediction of Zinc Grade by Transformer Model with De-Stationary Mechanism[J].MINERALS, 2024, 14 (3)
- [7]Peng,Chen, Tang, Zhaohui, Grade Prediction of Froth Flotation Based on Multistep Fusion Transformer Model[J]. IEEE.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS, 2024, 20 (4) : 6030-6040.
- [8]Peng, Chen, Tang. Zhaohui, Equipment fault propagation path identification based on unstable points detection[J]. IEEE.EEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS, 2024, 20 (2) : 1596-1606.
- [9]Zhong, Yuze, Tang, Zhaohui.Short-long temporal graph convolution network for grade monitoring in a first zinc rougher[J].MINERALS ENGINEERING, 2024, 205
- [10]Liu, Jinping, Tang, Zhaohui.Small samples-oriented intrinsically explainable machine learning using Variational Bayesian Logistic Regression: An intensive care unit readmission prediction case for liver transplantation patients[J]. IEEE.EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS, 2024, 235
- [11]Zhong, yuze, Tang,Zhaohui.A froth image segmentation method via generative adversarial networks with multi-scale self-attention mechanism[J]. IEEE.MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS, 2024, 83 (7) : 19663-19682.
- [12]Peng, Chen, Tang, Zhaohui.Turbofan Engine Health Assessment Based on Spatial-Temporal Similarity Calculation[J].SENSORS, 23 (24)
- [13]Peng, Chen, Tang, Zhaohui.A Multi-Featured Factor Analysis and Dynamic Window Rectification Method for Remaining Useful Life Prognosis of Rolling Bearings[J].ENTROPY, 2023, 25 (11)
- [14]Luo ,Jin, Tang, Zhaohui.A Binocular Camera Calibration Method in Froth Flotation Based on Key Frame Sequences and Weighted Normalized Tilt Difference[J]. IEEE.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY, 2023, 33 (10) : 5576-5586.
- [15]Tangi,Zhaohui, Zhang, Jin, Semisupervised Contrastive Memory Network for Industrial Process Working Condition Monitoring[J]. IEEE.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT, 2023, 72
- [16]Zhang, Hu, Tang, Zhaohui, ES-net: An Integration Model Based on EncoderDecoder and Siamese Time Series Difference Network for Grade Monitoring of Zinc Tailings and Concentrate[J]. IEEE.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, 2023, 70 (11) : 11819-11830.
- [17]Liu, Jinping, Tang, Zhaohui.Toward Automated Right Ventricle Segmentation via Edge Feature-Induced Self-Attention Multiscale Feature Aggregation Full Convolution Network[J]. IEEE.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT, 2023, 72
- [18]Peng, Chen, Tang, Zhaohui, A Multi-Indicator Fusion-Based Approach for Fault Feature Selection and Classification of Rolling Bearings[J]. IEEE.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS, 2023, 19 (8) : 8635-8643.
- [19]Tian, Can, Tang, Zhaohui.Towards tailing grade prediction in zinc flotation via variablewise and temporalwise attention[J].MINERALS ENGINEERING, 2023, Volume192
- [20]Can Tian, Zhaohui Tang.Operating Condition Recognition in Zinc Flotation Using Statistic and Temporal Correlation Features[J]. IEEE.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT, 2022, 71: 1-12.
Zhaohui Tang
