Journal Publications
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Journal Publications
[21]Jinyang Fu*, Yufeng Shi, Shuangting Zhu, Junsheng Yang.Performance of Jet-Grouted Partition Walls in Mitigating the Effects of Shield-Tunnel Construction on Adjacent Piled Structures.Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 2016, 31 (2) : 04016096-1-12.
[22]Jinyang Fu, Syed Muntazir Abbas, Li Yan, Junsheng Yang*.An analytical solution for deforming twin-parallel tunnels in an elastic half plane.International Journal for Numerical and Analytical, 2015, 39 (5) : 524-538.
[23]Jinyang Fu, Junsheng Yang*, Herbert Klapperich, Xuemin Zhang, Syed Muntazir Abbas.Response of the ground and adjacent buildings due to tunnelling in completely weathered granitic soil.Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2014, 43: 377-388.
[24]Daxin Geng, Changjie Xu, Junsheng Yang, Jinyang Fu*, Yufeng Shi.Performance Evaluation of Long Pipe Roof for Tunneling below Existing Highway Based on Field Tests and Numerical Analysis: Case Study.International Journal of Geomechanics, 2017, 17 (9) : 04017054-1-12.
[25]Xuemin Zhang, Junsheng Yang, Jinyang Fu*, Zhiheng Zhu.Panoramic Image Stitching for Arbitrarily Shaped Tunnel Lining Inspection.Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineerin, 2016, 31 (12) : 936-953.
[26]Jinyang Fu, Junsheng Yang, Xuefeng Ou*, Xuemin Zhang.Deformation Response of an Existing Tunnel to Upper Excavation of Foundation Pit and Associated Dewatering.International Journal of Geomechanics, 2016, 17 (4) : 04016112 -1-14.
[27]Junsheng Yang, Rafig Azzam, Herbert Klapperich, Jinyang Fu*.Model ling of surface settlements induced by a non-uniformly deforming tunnel.Geotechnik-journal of German Geotechnical Society, 2016, 33 (1) : 1-12.
[28]Shuangting Zhu, Junsheng Yang, Jinyang Fu*.A Jet-Grouted Wall in Mitigating Tunnelling Effects on Adjacent Structures.Geotechnical Special Publication, 2016: 1-9.
[29]Wenhua Guo, Yufeng Shi, Junsheng Yang, Jinyang Fu*, Zhuang Xie.Construction Optimization and Application of Shield Reaction Frame of Large Diameter Shield tunnel.Modelling, Measurement and Control B, 2017, 86 (1) : 185-197.
[30]Jinyang Fu*, Junsheng Yang, Changjie Xu, Daxin Geng, Yufeng Shi.Performance of a Long Pipe Roof for a Large Span Shallow Tunnel below an Existing Highway.Geotechnical Special Publication, 2016
[31]傅金阳, 阳军生, 王树英, 周锦强*.基于Mindlin解分析隧道开挖对近邻桩基的影响.岩土力学, 2017, 38 (4) : 1075-1081.
[32]阳军生, 朱双厅, 傅金阳, 陈思明, 陈江*.盾构侧穿邻近桥桩施工影响及加固措施研究.公路交通科技, 2016, 33 (7) : 97-102.
[33]阳军生, 傅金阳, 张学民, 谢壮, 张庆彬, 石钰锋*.紧邻铁路暗挖地铁隧道动力响应实测与数值分析.铁道科学与工程学报, 2013, 10 (4) : 63-67.
[34]傅金阳, 李建生, 阳军生*.隧道施工对邻近结构物影响评价软件的开发.地下空间与工程学报, 2011, 7 (1) : 168-173+184.
[35]Junsheng Yan, Feng Yang, Jinyang Fu*.The effects of local cavities on the cracking performance of an existing tunnel lining.ECI-Shotcrete for Underground Support XIII, 2017
[36]Jiawei Xie, Junsheng Yang, Shuying Wang, Yanan Fang, Jinyang Fu*.Coupled PFC-FLAC 3D analysis of face stability for EPB shield tunnelling in sandy ground.proceedings of the 9th Japan-China Conference on S, 2017
[37]Shuangting Zhu, Junsheng Yang, Jinyang Fu*.A Jet-Grouted Wall in Mitigating Tunnelling Effects on Adjacent Structures.Geo-China 2016 GSP 260, 2016: 1-9.
[38]Jinyang Fu*, Junsheng Yang.Investigation and Rehabilitation of Lining Imperfections and cracks in an Operating Railway Tunnel.Shotcrete for Underground Support XII, 2015
[39]Slamet Widodo, Herbert Klapperich, Jinyang Fu *.Complex variable solutions for ground movement induced by oval-deforming twin tunnels[C].Thematic Conference EURO: TUN 2013, 2013: 721-728.
[40]Jinyang Fu *.The influence of non-uniform soil deformation on tunnel induced ground movement.The Syposium Umweltgeotechnik & Geotechnik, 2013: 189-142.
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Fu Jinyang
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