Journal Publications
- [21]C.X. Liu, Y. Gao, X.H. Li, W.C. Li, K.F. Gan*, Study on microstructure and mechanical property of linear friction welding on 9Cr reduced activation ferrite/martensite steel.Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2020, 531: 152011 (Corresponding author).
- [22]D.Y. Wang, Q.Q. Zeng, D.Q. He, K.F. Gan*, Inhomogeneous gradient microstructure and mechanical properties of thick copper plate via friction stir welding.Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2020, 29 (12) : 7853-7862 (Corresponding author).
- [23]Q.Q. Zeng, Y. Wang, K.F. Gan*, Effect of heat treatment on microstructures and mechanical behaviors of 316L stainless steels synthesized by selective laser melting.Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2020, 30 (1) : 409-422 (Corresponding author).
- [24]D.Y. Wang, L.H. Zhan, Q.Q. Zeng, D.Q. He, K.F. Gan*, tudy of desirable precipitate-strengthening effects on friction-stir welded joints of third-generation Al-Cu-Li alloys.Philosophical Magazine Letters, 2021, 101 (12) : 474-483. (Corresponding author).
- [25]P.F. Wu, K.F. Gan*, D.S. Yan, Z.M. Li, The Temperature Dependence of Deformation Behaviors in High-Entropy Alloys: A Review[J].Metals, 2021, 11 (12) : 2005. (Corresponding author).
- [26]N. Zhang, K.F. Gan*, Z.M. Li, Atomistic insights on the deformation mechanisms of Cox(CrNi)100-x multicomponent alloys: The effect of Co content[J].Computational Materials Science, 2022: 111559. (Corresponding author).
- [27]Q.M. Fan, K.F. Gan*, D.S. Yan, Z.M. Li*, Nanoindentation creep behavior of diverse microstructures in a pre-strained interstitial high-entropy alloy by high-throughput mapping[J].Materials Science & Engineering A, 2022, 856: 143988. (Corresponding author).
- [28]P.H. Ge, K.F. Gan*, D.S. Yan*, P.F. Wu, W.S. Wu, Z,M Li, Elucidating the origination of annealing-induced hardening in an equiatomic medium-entropy alloy[J].Advanced Engineering Materials, 2022, 25 (4) : 2201153. (Corresponding author).
- [29]W.Y. Huang, S. Zhang, Y.G. Tong, P.F. Wu, K.F. Gan*, Exceptional creep resistance enabled by thermally stable cellular dislocation structures in an additively manufactured multicomponent alloy[J].Materials Science & Engineering A, 2023, 890: 145902. (Corresponding author).
- [30]W.Y. Huang, W. Zhang, Q. Yu, P.F. Wu, Y.G. Tong, K.F. Gan*, A promising strategy of multicomponent alloy intermedium for enhancing the mechanical performance of inertia friction welding joints of Inconel 718 alloys[J].Materials Science & Engineering A, 2024, 899: 146480. (Corresponding author).
- [31]B.K. Xie, W. Zhang, Y. Wu , K.F. Gan*, Insight into the ageing effect on incipient plasticity of non-equiatomic TiNbZr body-centered cubic multicomponent alloy via using nanoindentation experiments[J].Materials Characterization, 2024, 215: 114203 (Corresponding author)..
- [32]R. Yin , Patrick J. Masset, K.F. Gan*, L.G. Zhang*, L.B. Liu, Minor element doping effects on microstructure and mechanical properties of a non-equiatomic FeNiCoCr high-entropy alloy[J].Materials Characterization, 2024: 114178 (Corresponding author)..
- [33]W.Y. Huang*, Y.H. Su, K.F. Gan*, J. Chen, W. Qiu, X.J. Zhou, Q. Yu, L. Liang, W. Chen, L.B. Zhou, Effects of extrusion temperature on the microstructure and mechanical properties of low-alloyed Mg-Bi-Ca-Mn alloy.Intermetallics, 2024, 175: 108480. (Corresponding author).
- [34]P.F. Wu, W. Zhang, Y.G. Tong, Y.L. Hu, W.Y. Huang, K.F. Gan*, Ordering-facilitated lower hydrogen embrittlement sensitivity in a prototype high-entropy alloy[J].Materials Characterization, 2024, 218 (3-4) : 114473. (Corresponding author).
- [35]Y. Zhang* , L.J. Ye, W.S. Wu, K.J. Chai, P.F. Wu, D.S. Yan , K.F. Gan* , Z.M. Li, Orientation-related shear banding mediated deformation of Sm2Co17-type magnet[J].Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2024, 1010: 177736. (Corresponding author).
- [36]张楠,甘科夫*,李志明, 多尺度计算模拟在高熵合金研究中的应用[J].特种铸造及有色合金, 2021, 42 (3) : 296-308.
- [37]A.H.W. Ngan, X.X. Chen, P.S.S. Leung, R. Gu, K.F. Gan.Size effects of micrometer-scaled metals-the search continues for materials containing real microstructures.MRS Communications, 2017, 7: 131-140.
- [38]H.D. Fan, A.H.W. Ngan, K.F. Gan, Jaafar. El-Awady.Origin of double-peak precipitation hardening in metallic alloys.International Journal of Plasticity, 2018, 111: 152-167.
- [39]S.S Jiang, K.F. Gan, Y.J. Huang, A.H.W. Ngan, J.F. Sun.Stochastic deformation and shear transformation zones of the glassy matrix in CuZr-based metallic-glass composites.International Journal of Plasticity, 2020, 125: 52-62.
- [40]S.S Jiang, K.F. Gan, Y.J. Huang, P. Xue, J.F. Sun.Shear transformation zone dependence of creep behaviors of amor-phous phase in a CuZr-based bulk metallic glass composite.Science China Technological Sciences, 2020, 63: 1560–1565.
Kefu Gan

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