Journal Publications
- [1]K.F. Gan, R. Gu, A. H. W. Ngan, The weakest size of precipitated alloys in the micro-regime: The case of duralumin.Journal of Materials Research, 2017, 32 (11) : 2003-2013 (Invited feature).
- [2]K.F. Gan and A. H. W. Ngan, The unusual size effect of eutectic Sn/Pb alloys in the micro regime: Experiments and modeling.Acta Materialia, 2018, 151: 282-292.
- [3]K.F. Gan, S.S. Jiang, A.H.W. Ngan, Y.J. Huang, H.B.C. Yin, J.F. Sun, Elucidating how correlated operation of shear transformation zones leads to shear localization and fracture in metallic glasses: tensile tests on Cu-Zr based metallic-glass microwires, molecular dynamics simulations, and modelling.International Journal of Plasticity, 2019, 119: 1-20.
- [4]K.F. Gan, D.S. Yan, S.Y. Zhu, Z.M. Li, Interstitial effects on the incipient plasticity and dislocation behavior of a metastable high-entropy alloy: nanoindentation experiments and statistical modeling.Acta Materialia, 2021, 206: 116633.
- [5]K.F. Gan, D.S. Yan, Y. Zhang, Z.M. Li, Origins of strengthening and toughening effects in twinned nanocrystalline alloys of low stacking fault energy with heterogeneous grain structure[J].Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2023, 176: 105305.
- [6]K.F. Gan*, W.Y. Huang*, W. Zhang , R.D. Li*, Y. Zhang*, W.S. Wu, P.D. Niu , P.F. Wu, Local element segregation-induced cellular structures and dominant dislocation planar slip enable exceptional strength-ductility synergy in an additively-manufactured CoNiV multicomponent alloy with ageing treatment.International Journal of Plasticity, 2024, 182: 104112.
- [7]K.F. Gan, S.Y. Zhu, S.S. Jiang, Y.J. Huang, Study on stochastic nature of plasticity of Cu/Zr metallic glass micropillars.Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, 831: 154719.
- [8]K.F. Gan, Z.M. Li, Unveiling the role of glassy nanodomains in strength and plasticity of crystal-glass nanocomposites via atomistic simulation[J].Journal of Applied Physics, 2022, 131 (8) : 085109.
- [9]K.F. Gan, D.S.Yan, Y.J. Huang, Atomic study on deformation behaviors of crystal-glass nanocomposite with a typical hierarchical structure[J].Computational Materials Science, 2022, 206: 111287.
- [10]K.F. Gan, D.S. Yan, Atomic insights into the size effect of glassy domain on the propagation of plastic deformation carriers in crystal-glass nanocomposite[J].Journal of Applied Physics, 2022, 132 (4) : 045103.
- [11]K.F. Gan*, D.S. Yan, Y. Zhang, Probing the atomic-scale deformation mechanism of single-crystal nanowires coated with a multi-component alloyed shell[J].Computational Materials Science, 2023, 220: 112056.
- [12]K.F. Gan, D.S. Yan, Y. Zhang, P.D. Niu, Atomic insights into the effects of Al element on the nanoindentation behavior of single-crystal FeNiCoCr-based multicomponent alloys[J].Materials Today Communications, 2023: 107433.
- [13]P.D. Niu, R.D. Li*, K.F. Gan*, Z.Q. Fan, T.C. Yuan, C.J. Han*, Manipulating stacking fault energy to achieve crack inhibition and superior strength-ductility synergy in an additively manufactured high-entropy alloy[J].Advanced Materials, 2024: 2310160 (Corresponding author).
- [14]X.K. Wang , Q.K. Yang , W.S. Wu , W. Zhang , Y. Zhang , D.S. Yan , K.F. Gan* , B. Liu* , Z.M. Li, Excellent radiation resistance via enforced local non-directional He diffusion in a WTaCrV multicomponent alloy containing coherent ordered nanoprecipitates[J].Acta Materialia, 2024: 120501.(Corresponding author).
- [15]X.K. Wang, K.F. Gan*, B. Liu*, Q.K. Yang, Y. Zhang, D.S. Yan, Z.M. Li, An ultrafine-grained low-activation multicomponent alloy with exceptional thermal stability and ultrahigh-temperature mechanical properties[J].Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 2024, 197: 116-128. (Correspondng author).
- [16]S.Y. Zhu, D.S. Yan, K.F. Gan*, W.J. Lu, Z.M. Li, Awakening the metastability of an interstitial high entropy alloy via severe deformation.Scripta Materialia, 2020, 191: 96-100 (Corresponding author).
- [17]Quanqing Zeng, Kefu Gan*, Fei Chen, Dongyao Wang, Songsheng Zeng, Interstitial concentration effects on incipient plasticity and dislocation behaviors of facecentered cubic FeNiCr multicomponent alloys based on nanoindentation[J].Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2021, 112: 212-221. (Corresponding author).
- [18]X.H. Li, L. Shi, Y.C. Liu, K.F. Gan*, C.X. Liu, Achieving a desirable combination of mechanical properties in HSLA steel through step quenching.Materials Science & Engineering A, 2020, 772: 138683 (Corresponding author).
- [19]X.H. Li, Y.C. Liu, K.F. Gan*, C.X. Liu, Acquiring a low yield ratio well synchronized with enhanced strength of HSLA pipeline steels through adjusting multiple-phase microstructures.Materials Science & Engineering A, 2020, 785: 139350 (Corresponding author).
- [20]X.H. Li, Y. Zhang, Y. C. Liu, K.F. Gan*, C.X. Liu, Multi-phase transformation kinetics of HSLA steels during continuous cooling: experiments and cellular automaton (CA) simulation.Philosophical Magazine, 2020, 100: 2001-2017 (Corresponding author).
Kefu Gan

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