Journal Publications
[1]Z.N. Lin, S.S. Wang, R.B. Wang, W.Y. Xu, C.J. Jia.Experimental investigation on shear creep properties of undisturbed rock discontinuity in Baihetan Hydropower Station[J].International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining, 2018, 104: 27-33.
[2]Jun Yu, Jiuchang Zhang, Wei Wang, Rubin Wang, Weiya Xu, Chaojun Jia.Characterization of the deformation behavior of fine-grained sandstone by triaxial cyclic loading[J].Construction and Building Materials, 2018, 162: 113-123.
[3]Jun Yu, Rubin Wang, Susheng Wang, Weiya Xu, Chaojun Jia.Experimental analysis and modeling of the mechanical behavior of breccia lava in the dam foundation of the Baihetan Hydropower Project[J].Bulletin of Engineering Geology & the Environment, 2018: 1-15.
[4]Zhinan Lin, Jun Yu, Wei Wang, Huanling Wang, Weiya Xu, Chaojun Jia.Laboratory investigations of inert gas flow behaviors in compact sandstone[J].Environmental Earth Sciences, 2018, 77 (6) : 245-259.
[5]Long Yan, Jun Yu, Ru-bin Wang, Huan-ling Wang, Wei-ya Xu, Chao-jun Jia.Stress dependent permeability and porosity of low-permeability rock[J].Journal of Central South University, 2017, 24 (10) : 2396-2405.
[6]Skoczylas F, 左婧, 徐卫亚, 王环玲, 贾朝军.地下水封洞库围岩气体渗透特性及滑脱效应研究[J].工程力学, 32 (8) : 50-57.
[7]Wei Wang, Chaojun Jia(*), Weiya Xu, Susheng Wang.Mechanical behavior of fine- grained sandstone in triaxial compression and elastoplastic modeling by return mapping algorithms[J].Bulletin of Engineering Geology & the Environment, 2018: 1-11.
[8]Chaojun Jia, Wei Wang, Weiy Xu, Susheng Wang.Experimental and Numerical investigations on the mechanical behavior of fine-grained sandstone[J].International Journal of Geomechanics, 2018, 18 (2) : 04017150.
[9]方应东, 贾朝军, 徐卫亚, 王环玲, 巢志明.不同含水饱和度低渗透岩石气体滑脱效应研究[J].岩土工程学报, 2017, 39 (12) : 2287-2295.
[10]Q. X. Meng, M. Cai, C. J. Jia, W. Y. Xu, H. L. Wang.Experimental Research on Permeability Evolution with Microcrack Development in Sandstone under Different Fluid Pressures[J].Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental En, 2016, 142 (6) : 14-23.
[11]夏季, 贾朝军, 徐卫亚, 王环玲, 巢志明.柱状节理岩体渗透性模型试验研究[J].岩土工程学报, 2016, 38 (8) : 1407-1416.
[12]贾朝军, 邵建富, 左婧, 徐卫亚, 王环玲.低渗透岩石渗透率与孔隙率演化规律的气渗试验研究[J].水利学报, 2015, 46 (2)
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