- [61]热烈祝贺冷立健,杨建平两位老师入选湖南省优青!
- [62]祝贺孟凡悦专利“一种天然硫化矿物改性材料、制备方法及其应用”获得授权!
- [63]祝贺祖鸿霄论文“The Mechanisms of Gas Phase Mercury Immobilized by Metal Sulfides from Combustion Flue Gas: A Mini-Review”被Energy & Fuels(IF:3.605)接收发表!
- [64]祝贺张伟进论文“Machine learning predicting wastewater properties of the aqueous phase derived from hydrothermal treatment of biomass”被Bioresource Technology(IF:9.642)接收发表!
- [65]祝贺孟凡悦专利“一种工业含铜废水资源化利用的方法”获得授权!
- [66]热烈祝贺李海龙老师入选2021年度爱思唯尔中国高被引学者!
- [67]祝贺郑威论文“Favorably Adjusting the Pore Characteristics of Copper Sulfide by Template Regulation for Vapor-Phase Elemental Mercury Immobilization”被Journal of Materials Chemistry A(IF:12.732)接收发表!
- [68]课题组招聘博士后
- [69]祝贺李海龙老师入选全球学者库2022年度“全球顶尖前10万科学家”榜单!
- [70]祝贺孟凡悦发明专利“一种从高含汞废液中回收汞的方法”获得授权!
- [71]祝贺朱鹏琳论文“Charge distribution modulation and morphology controlling of copper selenide for an enhanced elemental mercury adsorption activity in flue gas”被Chemical Engineering Journal(IF:13.273)接收发表
- [72]祝贺徐泓论文“A molten salt pyrolysis synthesis strategy toward sul-fur-functionalized carbon for elemental mercury removal from coal combustion flue gas”被Energies(IF:3.004 )接收发表
- [73]祝贺祖鸿霄论文“Coordinatively Unsaturated Selenides over CuFeSe2 Towards Highly Efficient Mercury Immobilization”被Environmental Science & Technology(IF:9.028)接收发表
- [74]热烈祝贺李海龙、冷立健两位老师入选2021科睿唯安全球高被引科学家!
- [75]祝贺李海龙、冷立健两位老师入选斯坦福大学 John P.A.Ioannidis 教授团队发布的全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单!
- [76]祝贺李海龙老师入选全球学者库公布的全球顶尖前10万科学家榜单!http://www.globalauthorid.com/WebPortal/EliteOrder
- [77]祝贺郑威论文“Facile Pathway towards Crystallinity Adjustment and Performance Enhancement of Copper Selenide for Vapor-Phase Elemental Mercury Sequestration”被Chemical Engineering Journal(IF:10.652)接收发表
- [78]祝贺黄国海论文"Numerical simulation of sorbent injection for mercury removal within an electrostatic precipitator: In-flight plus wall-bounded mechanism"被Fuel(IF:6.609)接受发表
- [79]祝贺孟凡悦发明专利“一种用于脱除烟气中汞的稳定悬浮体系及其回收方法”获得授权!
- [80]徐泓论文“Removal of flue gas mercury by porous carbons derived from one-pot carbonization and activation of wood sawdust in a molten salt medium”被Journal of Hazardous Materials(IF:10.588)接收发表