- [41]祝贺孟凡悦“一种用于应急处理汞污染水体的一体化成型材料及其制备方法和应用”获得授权!
- [42]祝贺艾泽健论文“Machine learning assisted predicting and engineering specific surface area and total pore volume of biochar”被Bioresource Technology(IF:11.889)接收发表!
- [43]祝贺陈搏实论文“A Critical Review on Machine-Learning-Assisted Screening and Design of Effective Sorbents for Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Capture”被Frontiers in Energy Research(IF:3.858)接收发表!
- [44]祝贺郑威论文“Rational Design of Metal Sulfide based on Quantitative Relationship between its Mercury Adsorption Capacity and the Abundance of Under-Coordinated Sulfur”被Chemical Engineering Journal(IF:16.744)接收发表!
- [45]热烈祝贺冷立健老师入选科睿唯安全球高被引科学家!
- [46]祝贺杨丽红论文“Machine learning predicting and engineering the yield, N content, and specific surface area of biochar derived from pyrolysis of biomass”被Biochar(IF:11.452)接收发表!
- [47]祝贺孟凡悦发明专利“一种负载型活性硫族复合物及其制备方法和应用”获得授权!
- [48]祝贺郑威论文“Mechanochemical Preparation of Well-Structured Copper Sulfide for Elemental Mercury Sequestration from Coal Combustion Flue gas”被Chemical Engineering Journal(IF:16.744)接收发表!
- [49]祝贺李海龙老师、杨建平老师以及曾经在课题组工作过的李斌老师、胡迎超老师获得2022年度国家自然科学基金面上项目资助!
- [50]祝贺张伟进论文“Machine learning prediction of nitrogen heterocycles in bio-oil produced from hydrothermal liquefaction of biomass”被Bioresource Technology(IF:11.889)接收发表!
- [51]祝贺孟凡悦专利“一种提高硫化物和/或硒化物深度脱汞效果的方法”获得授权!
- [52]祝贺艾泽健论文“Investigation and prediction of co-pyrolysis between oily sludge and high-density polyethylene via in-situ DRIFTS, TGA, and artificial neural network”被Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis(IF:6.437)接收发表!
- [53]祝贺孟凡悦专利 "一种用于脱除烟气中汞的滤袋/滤芯及其制备方法和应用" 获得授权!
- [54]祝贺孟凡悦专利“一种磁性可再生脱汞剂的制备方法及应用”获得授权!
- [55]祝贺孟凡悦专利“一种改性炭基吸附剂及其制备方法和应用”获得授权!
- [56]祝贺张伟进发明专利“一种生物质两级水热产能循环系统及方法”获得授权!
- [57]热烈祝贺李海龙老师受邀担任frontiers in energy research期刊CCUS栏目主编!
- [58]祝贺杨丽红论文“Experimental and ReaxFF molecular dynamic study on pyrolysis of phenylalanine”被Fuel(IF:6.609)接收发表!
- [59]祝贺杨泽群老师发明专利“一种大孔骨架疏水型脱汞材料、制备方法及其应用”获得授权!
- [60]热烈祝贺杨泽群老师获得湖南省自然科学基金青年基金资助!