Research Projects
- [1]Science and technology bureau of Hunan Province:Fabrication techniques and basic theory of eco-concrete,尹健,开始日期:2014-01-01,结项时间:2016-12-31.
- [2]Guangdong Department of Transportation :Key techniques and project demonstration for crack repairing of apshalt pavements,尹健,开始日期:2011-11-20,结项时间:2016-12-31.
- [3]National Natural Science Fundation of China (NSFC):Investigation of deterioration characteristics and mechanism of durability of pervious concrete pavement under coupled effects of stress and environments,吴昊,开始日期:2013-01-01,结项时间:2015-12-31.
- [4]Hunan Department of Transportation:Research and application on key techniques for concrete quality control in highway constructions,李健,开始日期:2012-07-01,结项时间:2016-12-31.
- [5]Central South University:Research and application on key techniques of environmental friendly high-performance concrete,尹健,开始日期:2012-01-01,结项时间:2013-12-31.
- [6]Hunan Department of Transportation:Creep and life prediction of C50 high-performance concrete for Mishui River large span bridge,尹健,开始日期:2011-10-01,结项时间:2013-10-01.
- [7]Tenax Co. Project Funding :Evaluation of the Reinforcement Effects of Geogrids on Pavement Base Coursed Utilizing Loaded Wheel Tester,Baoshan Huang,开始日期:2009-02-01,结项时间:2010-09-01.
- [8]Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)- Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT):Field constructed and produced pervious concrete,Baoshan Huang,开始日期:2010-06-01,结项时间:2010-12-31.
- [9]Portland Cement Association (PAC), Georgia Department of Transporation (GDOT):Laboratory Investigation and Evaluation of Polymer-Modified Portland Cement Pervious Concrete,Baoshan Huang,开始日期:2007-12-01,结项时间:2009-12-01.
- [10]Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)- Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT):Laboratory Investigation of Warm-Mix Asphalt Mixtures,Baoshan Huang,开始日期:2010-06-01,结项时间:2011-09-01.
- [11]Domtar Co. Ltd. Project Funding :Application of Industrial Waste and Byproduct Materials in Pavement Materials,Baoshan Huang,开始日期:2009-01-01,结项时间:2009-12-31.
- [12]Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)- Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT):Evaluation of Impact of Heavy Equipment Transport on Pavements,Baoshan Huang,开始日期:2010-12-01,结项时间:2011-05-01.
- [13]Independent Research:Innovative Testing Methods for Characterizing Viscoelastic Properties and Fatigue Behaviors of Asphalt Mixtures,Baoshan Huang,开始日期:2009-11-01,结项时间:2011-04-01.
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Hao Wu
