Patents & Awards
- [1]A repairing material for asphalt pavements,吴昊 等, 王晖, 周爱国, 刘海霞, 尹健. 申请日期:2012-09-13, 授权日期:2013-12-11, 授权号:201210336891.9.
- [2]A crack reparing method for asphalt pavements,吴昊等, 尹健. 申请日期:2014-10-07, 授权日期:2015-04-01, 授权号:201410776706.7.
- [3]A testing method for viscoelastic properties of asphalt mixtures using LWT,舒翔, 吴昊, 黄宝山. 申请日期:2012-10-08, 授权日期:2014-05-21, 授权号:201210088357.0.
- [4]Method and apparatus for fatigue and viscoelastic property testing of asphalt mixtures using a loaded wheel tester,Hao Wu, Xiang Shu, Baoshan Huang, 授权日期:2012-10-04, 授权号:US-2012-0253704-A1.
- [5]2012湖南省科学技术进步三等奖(排名第5)
- [6]最佳论文奖1
- [7]最佳论文奖2
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Hao Wu
